.. _brdf_roujean: Roujean ======= The BRDF object that implements the algorithm developed by Roujean et al. 1992. The algorithm is suitable for surface reflectance from a variety of terrains and is based upon three parameters, k0, k1 and k2 which the user must know a-priori or derive from measurements. The reader is referred to their paper for complete details. Example ------- :: import sasktranif.sasktranif as skif import math brdf = skif.ISKBrdf('Roujean') brdf.SetProperty('SetPredefinedParameters', 8); mjd = 52393.3792987115; location = [0.0, 0.0, 25000.0, mjd]; mu_in = math.cos( math.radians( 30.0 ) ) mu_out = math.cos( math.radians( 60.0 ) ) cosdphi = math.cos( mat.radians( 150.0 ) ) [ok,brdfvalue] = brdf.BRDF( 600.0, location, 0.6, 0.7, -0.8) Properties ---------- .. py:module:: Roujean BRDFParameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. py:function:: BRDFParameters( array param) A 3 element array containing the 3 parameters of the Roujean distribution. For examples see Table 1 of Roujean et al. 1992. ================ =========== n Setting ================ =========== parameters[0] k0 parameters[1] k1 parameters[2] k2 ================ =========== SetPredefinedParameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. py:function:: SetPredefinedParameters( code: int ) An integer value that loads the Roujean BRDF parameters from an internal table of values. The table replicates the values published in Table 1 of Roujean et al. 1992. The table provides a visible setting (580 nm to 680 nm) and a near infra-red (NIR) setting (730 nm to 1100 nm). Pass in the appropriate code from the table below to select the appropriate BRDF setting ================= ============= =========== Terrain Visible Code NIR Code ================= ============= =========== PLOWED FIELD 1 21 ANNUAL GRASS 2 22 HARD WHEAT 3 23 STEPPE 4 24 CORN 5 25 ORCHARD GRASS 6 26 IRRIGATED WHEAT 7 27 PINEFOREST 8 28 DECIDUOUS FOREST 9 29 SOYBEAN 10 30 GRASS LAWN 11 31 ================= ============= =========== References ^^^^^^^^^^ **Roujean, J.L.**, M. Leroy, and P.Y. Deschamps, "A bidirectional reflectance model of the Earth's surface for the correction of remote sensing data", *J. Geophys. Res.*, **97**, D18, 20455-20468, (1992), `doi:10.1029/92JD01411 `_.