.. _optical_o3sciabogumilv4: O3_SCIABOGUMILV4 ================ Version 4 is a reanalysis of the actual Bogumil data used to make :ref:`optical_o3sciabogumilv3`. A manuscript was being prepared for publication (as of July 2012) on the revised cross-sections (private communication with Mark Weber). The Sciamachy people had some problems in the Huggins band with the Bogumil data as total ozone retrievals were biased 5%. Example ^^^^^^^ :: optprop = ISKOpticalProperty('O3_SCIABOGUMILV3') msis = ISKClimatology('MSIS90'); mjd = 52393.3792987115; location = [0.0, 0.0, 25000.0, mjd]; optprop.SetAtmosphericState( msis) optprop.SetLocation(location) [ok, abs, ext,sca] = optprop.CalculateCrossSections( 1.0E7/600.0, location ); Properties ^^^^^^^^^^ .. option:: SetTemperature (double n) Sets the temperature in Kelvins that will be used in the next calculation of cross-sections.