A climatology that supports a single value at all locations and times. This is useful to set climatologies to 1 or 0 everywhere. The class supports all species:

import sasktranif as skif

mjd = 52393.3792987115;
climate = skif.ISKClimatology(‘CONSTANTVALUE’)
climate.SetPropertyScalar(‘SetConstantValue’, 0.0);
climate.UpdateCache( [0,0,0,mjd])

Supported Species

All species are implicitly supported

Cache Snapshot

The cahed value is the constant.

Python extension

The CONSTANTVALUE climatology is in the sasktran_core extension which is part of the default sasktran installation.



constantvalue.SetConstantValue(double value)

Sets the climatology to the value passed in. This value is returned in response to all calls to ISKClimatology.GetParameter()