.. _changelog: Changelog ********* 1.8.2 ===== * Fixed a bug in how the tangent point was being calculated * Fixed numerous bugs in the Mac x86 wheels * Added experimental support for Mac ARM wheels 1.8.1 ===== * Re-release to fix documentation bugs * No code changes 1.8.0 ===== * SASKTRAN-TIR is now a part of the main sasktran package instead of an extension module * SASKTRAN-DO is now part of the main sasktran package instead of an extension module 1.7.1 ===== * Development of the model has moved over to github, see https://github.com/usask-arg/sasktran * Fixed several bugs involving running sasktran on non-anaconda based python environments * Built experimental wheels for osx x86_64, python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11 1.7.0 ===== * Added support for python 3.10/3.11 builds on both Windows and Linux * Added capability for HR to calculate polarized weighting functions 1.6.0 ===== * Added the sk.UserDefinedAbsorptionPressure optical property which is a user defined optical property as a function of pressure, temperature, wavelength, and a broadener * Added the sk.UserDefinedScatterConstantHeight optical property which is used to set scattering properties for the SASKTRAN-DO engine. * Added a few osculating spheroid functions and the ability for the NadirGeometry class to adjust lines of sight based on the geoid used * Fix a bug with HRSSApprox and HITRAN * Considerably speed up the loading of the Baum table * Added internal functionality to allow for better interfacing between the optical properties and SASKTRAN-DO * Added Mie interface wrapper, still to be documented. * Add option to BaumSpecies to set the name. * Added some internal methods in SASKTRAN-HR to better specify diffuse profile locations 1.5.0 ===== * Add the ability for HR to calculate weighting functions for multiple species simultaneously * Added a spectral varying BRDF option * Added the option for HR to calculate weighting functions with respect to surface reflectance when directly viewing the surface 1.4.0 ===== * Fix HR WF calculation for scattering species when operating in vector mode * Add an option to the HR engine to calculate cell optical depths * Fix a bug where the default settings for HR vector mode were not precise * Multithreading improvements when running on a large number of threads * Added EngineHRSSapprox which uses HR to calculate radiance using an SS approximation * Added support for Python 3.9 (still in experimental phases) * Added documentation for the occultation and monte carlo engines in EngineOCC and EngineMC specifically * Added support for calculating box AMFs with the MC engine * Added support for inelastic Ramen scattering with the MC engine * Added experimenal support for solar refraction in the HR engine * Improved support and documentation for Baum ice crystal calculations in HR 1.3.0 ===== * Build the package for Python 3.8 * Large update to HITRAN internals to speed up calculations * Updates to the internal MSIS90 model to extend altitude range up to 200-300 km * Added O2O2 collisional cross sections * Added an experimental option to disable single scattering sources along the LOS. * Bug fixes for the Baum ice crystal database 1.2.0 ===== * Large update on the underlying package orientation, sasktranif is now part of the sasktran wheel. * Update HITRAN to 2016 * Add options to download HITRAN and PRATMO binary files 1.1.2 ===== * Fixed support for older pyyaml versions due to a regression in 1.1.1 1.1.1 ===== * Fixed a bug where the polarization basis returned back by both MC and HR engines were not correct * Fixed a deprecation warning in pyyaml 5.1 * Fixed a deprecation warning in numpy 1.16 1.1.0 ===== * Added BaumIceCrystal optical property and SpeciesBaumIceCloud species * Fix a bug where output_format='xarray' was not working correctly when engine.wavelengths was a scalar * Added A Band emission model 1.0.0 ===== * Added refraction option to HR * SolarSpectrum class can now convolve to lower resolution * Update required SASKTRANIF version to 4.3.1 * Added SimpleRayleigh optical property for use in comparisons with other models * Added a function to OpticalProperty to output the phase matrix * Added an interface for polarization within HR * Package is now supported and tested on Python 3.7 0.2.0 ===== * Added examples showing how to obtain diagnostic information from SASKTRAN-HR * Added support for basic thermal emissions * Improved the xarray output radiance structure when weighting functions are calculated * Updated required SASKTRANIF to version 4.2.6, SKTRAN_Disco to 0.1.12 0.1.3 ===== * Fixed a bug with the GloSSAC species not working correctly with SASKTRAN * Updated SASKTRANIF to version 4.2.5