Optical Spectrograph Data Example

%matplotlib inline
from osirisl1services.readlevel1 import open_level1_spectrograph
from osirisl1services.services import Level1Services
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm

FIG_SIZE = (15, 6)

Load the Spectrograph data for orbit 6432, scan 12

spectrograph = open_level1_spectrograph(scanno=6432012)

The data and added variables are returned as xarray Datasets

<xarray.Dataset> Size: 815kB
Dimensions:             (mjd: 24, pixel: 1353)
  * mjd                 (mjd) float64 192B 5.239e+04 5.239e+04 ... 5.239e+04
  * pixel               (pixel) int64 11kB 0 1 2 3 4 ... 1349 1350 1351 1352
Data variables: (12/24)
    stw                 (mjd) int64 192B 598913554 598913602 ... 598914863
    exposureTime        (mjd) float64 192B 0.0334 0.0336 0.0336 ... 3.189 3.969
    temperature         (mjd) float64 192B -12.52 -12.57 ... -12.46 -12.47
    tempavg             (mjd) float64 192B -12.53 -12.48 ... -12.47 -12.48
    opticstemp          (mjd) float64 192B 22.83 22.83 22.83 ... 22.83 22.83
    straptemp           (mjd) float64 192B -18.22 -18.22 ... -18.19 -18.19
    ...                  ...
    data                (mjd, pixel) float64 260kB 9.979e+10 ... 8.467e+09
    error               (mjd, pixel) float64 260kB 3.002e+10 ... 3.638e+08
    flags               (mjd, pixel) int64 260kB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    scanno              int64 8B 6432012
    wavelength          (pixel) float64 11kB 275.0 275.4 275.7 ... 814.4 814.8
    fwhm                (pixel) float64 11kB 0.7763 0.7799 ... 0.8287 0.8278

The corresponding pointing, position, tangent point, and sza info can be accessed through the ‘l1’ xarray accessor

<xarray.DataArray (mjd: 24, xyz: 3)> Size: 576B
array([[ 6.96021000e-01, -7.17819270e-01,  1.70371019e-02],
       [ 6.95656237e-01, -7.18224779e-01,  1.46822149e-02],
       [ 6.95284574e-01, -7.18630052e-01,  1.22559680e-02],
       [ 6.94914827e-01, -7.19024518e-01,  9.85524298e-03],
       [ 6.94528150e-01, -7.19427409e-01,  7.40624777e-03],
       [ 6.94149375e-01, -7.19813500e-01,  5.01707671e-03],
       [ 6.93735660e-01, -7.20225488e-01,  2.46568737e-03],
       [ 6.93329727e-01, -7.20620489e-01, -3.48634212e-05],
       [ 6.92935134e-01, -7.20995866e-01, -2.42111297e-03],
       [ 6.92542393e-01, -7.21361172e-01, -4.80554499e-03],
       [ 6.92141246e-01, -7.21726141e-01, -7.20231789e-03],
       [ 6.91723490e-01, -7.22098024e-01, -9.64663975e-03],
       [ 6.91288927e-01, -7.22477103e-01, -1.21018874e-02],
       [ 6.90725278e-01, -7.22954014e-01, -1.53650227e-02],
       [ 6.90287264e-01, -7.23314566e-01, -1.78754815e-02],
       [ 6.89820786e-01, -7.23690001e-01, -2.04955303e-02],
       [ 6.89341715e-01, -7.24065200e-01, -2.31859252e-02],
       [ 6.88830536e-01, -7.24456168e-01, -2.59952700e-02],
       [ 6.88279851e-01, -7.24866326e-01, -2.89768227e-02],
       [ 6.87579446e-01, -7.25370407e-01, -3.27456549e-02],
       [ 6.86902561e-01, -7.25842081e-01, -3.63062530e-02],
       [ 6.86072354e-01, -7.26398050e-01, -4.06275401e-02],
       [ 6.85132021e-01, -7.26997726e-01, -4.54798996e-02],
       [ 6.84011346e-01, -7.27671019e-01, -5.12188129e-02]])
  * mjd      (mjd) float64 192B 5.239e+04 5.239e+04 ... 5.239e+04 5.239e+04
  * xyz      (xyz) <U1 12B 'x' 'y' 'z'
<xarray.DataArray (mjd: 24, xyz: 3)> Size: 576B
array([[-1426337.79543392,  2715909.73754952,  6258025.75034525],
       [-1410515.09937542,  2702301.43917898,  6267461.61861551],
       [-1394688.42878909,  2688663.08810965,  6276829.28299736],
       [-1379178.38661241,  2675270.17546903,  6285940.27119958],
       [-1363331.87880057,  2661559.60899312,  6295176.75157329],
       [-1347806.78851058,  2648100.15695065,  6304154.8412481 ],
       [-1331280.49192844,  2633743.44795343,  6313638.38986957],
       [-1315078.01183283,  2619639.19664045,  6322862.49543575],
       [-1299518.4977968 ,  2606067.79497687,  6331651.14091231],
       [-1283929.60963458,  2592442.73088568,  6340386.49684442],
       [-1268322.51697616,  2578776.27395961,  6349060.516585  ],
       [-1252358.3769611 ,  2564768.99231264,  6357865.52559949],
       [-1236368.0350076 ,  2550711.11931075,  6366612.80338334],
       [-1214972.91515561,  2531858.15795401,  6378205.20403754],
       [-1198538.8932184 ,  2517341.41514536,  6387021.11225288],
       [-1181366.85413574,  2502142.77076485,  6396150.25766338],
       [-1163769.99044262,  2486534.9416949 ,  6405422.71098155],
       [-1145373.29347099,  2470180.21087156,  6415024.92629261],
       [-1125826.97430844,  2452763.42033029,  6425123.45874035],
       [-1101133.76423662,  2430701.23945043,  6437724.49058903],
       [-1077742.55982099,  2409741.26554837,  6449509.30008967],
       [-1049332.06901405,  2384203.35078605,  6463618.79471143],
       [-1017496.05306651,  2355481.92499578,  6479158.95169729],
       [ -981765.85854983,  2323116.12286567,  6496272.72096662]])
  * mjd      (mjd) float64 192B 5.239e+04 5.239e+04 ... 5.239e+04 5.239e+04
  * xyz      (xyz) <U1 12B 'x' 'y' 'z'
<xarray.DataArray (mjd: 24)> Size: 192B
array([ 9356.55841467, 11816.36394658, 14068.13781939, 16200.95558402,
       18378.23168333, 20531.65455829, 22790.611231  , 25002.42043392,
       27160.11823403, 29333.23996449, 31469.58746078, 33668.32845732,
       35836.85782191, 38799.26697069, 41052.42959883, 43402.33540571,
       45790.68947883, 48284.49074577, 50930.7269243 , 54248.90696129,
       57403.21710744, 61223.56289209, 65447.67401248, 69359.16856989])
  * mjd      (mjd) float64 192B 5.239e+04 5.239e+04 ... 5.239e+04 5.239e+04

Plot the data

spectrograph.data.plot(x='pixel', y='mjd', norm=LogNorm(), vmin=1e10, vmax=1e14, figsize=FIG_SIZE)
<matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh at 0x7f918bfce460>

Load the Spectrograph data for orbit 6432, scan 12 with the RSAS correction

spect_rsas = open_level1_spectrograph(scanno=6432012, apply_rsas=True)