.. _brdf_linearcombo: Linear Combination ================== This BRDF allows an arbitrary number of BRDF kernels to be used in a linear combination. Example ------- :: import sasktranif.sasktranif as skif import math brdf = skif.ISKBrdf('LINEAR_COMBINATION') mjd = 52393.3792987115; location = [0.0, 0.0, 25000.0, mjd]; [ok,brdfvalue] = brdf.BRDF( 600.0, location, 0.6, 0.7, -0.8) Properties ----------- .. py:module:: BRDF_LINEAR_COMBINATION AddKernel ^^^^^^^^^ .. py:function:: AddKernel( object kernel) Appends the given BRDF object to the current list of kernels. A linear weight can be applied to the kernel by calling :py:func:`~BRDF_LINEAR_COMBINATION.KernelWeights` after all the kernels have been added. KernelWeights ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. py:function:: KernelWeights(array weights) Sets the linear weight for each element in the current list of kernels. RemoveKernel ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. py:function:: RemoveKernel( int index ) Removes the given kernel from the current list of kernels. :param int index: The zero based index of the requested kernel.