Implements a Planck black body spectral emission for any location in the atmopshere. It uses a climatology provided by the user to obtain the temperature of the atmosphere.
import sasktranif.sasktranif as skif
sun = skif.ISKEmission('THERMAL')
Sasktran Availability¶
This object is available from sasktran as class sasktran.EmissionThermal
. The object is implemented in the sasktran_core
extension and is part of the default sasktran installation.
- emissivity(float value)¶
Sets the emissivity of the Planck black body. Normally a value between 0 and 1.
- atmospheric_state(object climatology)¶
Sets the climatology used to determine the temperature of the atmosphere.
Implements a user-defined emission object as a 2D array of wavelength (nm) and height (meters).
import sasktranif.sasktranif as skif
- heights(array heightm)¶
Sets the values for the height axis of the 2-D array of emissions. The heights are given as a 1-D array in ascending order and are specified in meters. This property must be called before calling property emissiontable.
- wavelengths(array wavelen_nm)¶
Sets the values for the wavelength axis of the 2-D array of emissions. The wavelengths are given as a 1D array in ascending order and are specified in nanometers. This property must be called before calling property emissiontable.
- emissiontable(array emissiontable)¶
Sets the values for the 2-D array of emission values. This must be a contiguous array of values whose dimensions match sizes in previous calls to heights and wavelengths. The wavelength values changing the most rapidly in memory. The emission values are given as units of photons/cm2/sec/steradian/nm