.. _number_density: Number Density ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Ozone and nitrogen profiles are given in units of mol/m\ :sup:`3`. To convert them to number density profiles with units of molecules per cm\ :sup:`-3`, multiply by 6.02214076e+17. .. code-block:: python import os import xarray as xr import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # load data and set time as the dimension v7_folder = r'path\to\v7_data' data = xr.open_mfdataset(os.path.join(v7_folder, '*.nc')) data = data.swap_dims({'profile_id': 'time'}) avogadro_factor = o3.ozone_concentration.multiplication_factor_to_convert_to_molecules_percm3 data['ozone_number_density'] = data['ozone_concentration'] * avogadro_factor data.ozone_number_density.where((data.latitude < 10) & (data.latitude > -10))\ .resample(time='MS').mean(dim='time')\ .plot.contourf(x='time', figsize=[9, 4]) .. image:: ../images/o3_number_density.png :align: center