.. _quickstart: Basics ****** Downloading the Data ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The data is available from our `sftp server `_ using the credentials:: username: osirislevel2user password: hugin We recommend using an FTP client application, such as FileZilla, to connect and download files from the server. Alternatively, the server can be accessed from the command line with `sftp osirislevel2user@odin-osiris.usask.ca`. After logging in, type "help" for a list of available commands. The level 2 profile data is distributed in monthly netcdf files with the naming convention:: PRODUCT-L2-LP-OSIRIS_ODIN-SASK_v7_3-YYYYMM.nc where PRODUCT is one of 'AEROSOL', 'OZONE', 'NITROGEN', or 'TEMPERATURE'. The approximate sizes of the datasets are 0.9GB for aerosol, 1.2GB for ozone, 1.9GB for nitrogen, and 1.8GB for temperature. The data conforms to CF-conventions 1.7 so should be readable by most NetCDF software. However, some simple python examples are included to help users get started, see :ref:`examples`. Changes from 7.2 to 7.3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Version 7.3 introduces a new stratospheric temperature data product. Details of the temperature retrieval can be found in Zawada et al [1]_. No algorithmic changes have been made to the aerosol, O\ :sub:`3`, and NO\ :sub:`2` .. [1] Zawada, D., et al. "A multi-decadal time series of upper stratospheric temperature profiles from Odin-OSIRIS limb scattered spectra." EGUsphere [preprint], https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-2023-2264, 2023. See :ref:`changelog` for the full history of OSIRIS version 7. Release Schedule ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ New files are released on a monthly schedule, usually 3-4 weeks after the end of the month.