Source code for showapi.compliancetests.compliancetests

import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from typing import Pattern, List, Dict, Tuple, Any, Union
from show_config.show_configuration import Parameters
from .. level0 import SHOWLevel0
from .. level0.level0imagearray import ImageStats, Level0_Image,Level0_ImageCollection
from .. level0.l0algorithms import Level1_Spectra, L0Algorithms

#           plot_show_image

def plot_show_image( image: np.ndarray, title :str ='Title Not Set', subplot=None, figurenum=None ) -> None :

    if subplot is not None: plt.subplot(subplot)
    if figurenum is not None: plt.figure(figurenum)
    p2 = np.percentile( image,   2)
    p98 = np.percentile( image, 98)

    plt.imshow( image, clim=[p2,p98], origin='lower', aspect='auto')
    plt.xlabel('Spectral Dimension')
    plt.ylabel('Altitude Dimension')

#           oldschool_straightline_fit

def oldschool_straightline_fit( x: np.ndarray, y:np.ndarray, weight:np.ndarray )->Tuple[ np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    Fit a straight line using the standard simple formula. Note this formula does not check for many of the ill-conditions that may occur
    but apart from that is a nice simple algorithm.

    :param x: An 1-d array of N independent variables, X must be of shape (N,). N usually corresponds to integration time
    :param y: A 2-d array of shape (N,M). Each element M corresponds to a pixel on the detector and N dimension corresponds to each integration time
    :param weight: A 2-d array of shape (N,M). This is 1/stddev for each measurement in Y. (Note it is not 1/stddev**2 ).
    :return: Tuple of straight line parameters [ c(M,), m(M,), dc(M,), dm(M,)] where c is the y intercept, m is the gradient, dc is the error in c and dm is the error in m


    s    = y.shape                                      #
    npix = int(y.size/s[0])
    n    = int(x.size)
    x = np.tile(x, (npix, 1)).transpose()               # Replicate x so it is the same shape as y
    w = weight*weight
    sxy = np.sum( w*x*y, 0 )
    sx  = np.sum( w*x,   0 )
    sy  = np.sum( w*y,   0 )
    sw  = np.sum( w,     0 )
    sx2 = np.sum( w*x*x, 0 )
    denom = sx2*sw - sx*sx
    a     = ( (sxy*sw) - sx*sy)/denom
    b     = ( sxy - a*sx2)/sx
    aerr  = sw/denom
    berr  = sx2/denom
    return b,a, np.sqrt(berr), np.sqrt(aerr)

#           fit_straight_line

def fit_straight_line( x: np.ndarray, y:np.ndarray, weight:np.ndarray )->Tuple[ np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:

    # s    = y.shape
    # npix = int(y.size/s[0])
    # npts = int(x.size)
    # c = np.zeros((npix,))
    # m = np.zeros((npix,))
    # dc = np.zeros((npix,))
    # dm = np.zeros((npix,))
    # for i in range(npix):
    #     p, cov = np.polyfit(x, y[:, i], 1, w=weight[:, i], full=False, cov=True)
    #     c[i] = p[1]
    #     m[i] = p[0]
    #     dc[i] = cov[1, 1]
    #     dm[i] = cov[0, 0]

    c,m,dc,dm = oldschool_straightline_fit(x, y, weight )
    return c, m, dc, dm

#           class ComplianceTests


[docs]class ComplianceTests: def __init__(self, instrumentname : str = "er2_2017") -> None : self.params = Parameters( instrumentname ) # fetch the instrument design parameters #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ComplianceTests::design_params #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def design_params(self): return self.params #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ComplianceTests::instrument_name #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def instrument_name(self): """ Returns the instrument name, usually er2_2017 :return: """ return self.params.instrumentname
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ComplianceTests::analyze_contrast # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def analyze_contrast(self, algo: L0Algorithms, krdata: np.ndarray): """ Evaluates the difference between a cosine function modulated by gaussian envelope and measured spectrum. :param algo: :param krdata: :return: """ image, error, bounds = algo.interferogram_subwindow(krdata) fitresults,fitimage = algo.fit_cosine_with_gaussian_envelope(image) # Fit a cosine with gaussian + constant window to the fringes at each height in the sub-window # fits y = A( cos(wx +phi) exp( -(x-x0)^2/2*sigma^2 ) + K H,M = image.shape A = fitresults[0,:] # extract the amplitude A from the fit for each height w = fitresults[1,:]*M/(2*math.pi) # extract the spatial frequency from the fit and map it to the FFT space phi = fitresults[2,:] # extract the phase from the fit K = fitresults[3,:] # extract the constant from the fit x0 = fitresults[4,:] # extract the guassian peak location sigma = np.absolute( fitresults[5,:]) # extract the gaussian standard deviation lastp = phi[0] # For good krypton lines the cosine phase should slope fairly uniformly to the left or right (ie increase or decreas) offset = 0 # unfortunately it wraps around by 2.pi and we need to take this out for ih in range(H): # so ds = phi[ih] - lastp # look for places delta = abs(ds) # where the phase chanegs by if (delta > 1.6*math.pi) and (delta < 2.6*math.pi): # a number close to 2 pi sign = -1.0 if (ds > 0) else +1.0 # and update the offset offset += 2*math.pi*sign lastp = phi[ih] phi[ih] += offset h = np.arange(0,H) # now fit a straight line res = np.polyfit( h, phi, 1) # to the adjusted phase data phase_slope = res[0] # and get the slope. This will tells us which side of Littrow we are on. It only works if phase data are clean and properly corrected plt.figure(11) plt.clf() rowindex = [2, H-2, int(H/3), int(2*H/3)] for ig in range(4): i = rowindex[ig] plt.subplot(2,2,ig+1) plt.plot( image[i,:],'k-' ) plt.plot( fitimage[i,:], 'r-') plt.title('Row %d'%(i,)) plt.figure(10) plt.clf() plt.subplot(3, 2, 1) plt.plot( A) plt.title("Amplitude") plt.subplot(3, 2, 2) plt.plot( w) plt.title("Spatial Frequency") plt.subplot(3, 2, 3) plt.plot(phi) plt.title("Phase") plt.subplot(3, 2, 4) plt.plot(K) plt.title("Constant K") plt.subplot(3, 2, 5) plt.plot(x0) plt.title("Gaussian Max") plt.xlabel('Height Row') plt.subplot(3, 2, 6) plt.plot(sigma) plt.title("Gaussian Sigma") plt.xlabel('Height Row') return fitresults, math.nan, (phase_slope > 0)#contrastimage, np.percentile(maxcontrast, 95)
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ComplianceTests::analyze_contrast #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def analyze_contrast_zero_crossing(self, algo : L0Algorithms, krdata : Level0_Image ): """ zero crossing docs :param algo: :param krdata: :return: """ image,error,bounds = algo.interferogram_subwindow( krdata ) H, M = image.shape contrastimage = np.zeros( (H,M) ) x = np.arange(0, M, 1) maxcontrast=[] for ih in range(H): s = image[ih, :] # get the Krypton data for this height s2 = np.roll(s, 1) # get the next pixel along dy = (s2 - s) # get the nominal gradient, peak minim and maxim are where gradient is zero dy[0] = dy[1] # clean up the end points dy[-1] = dy[-2] # do both ends dy2 = np.roll(dy, 1) # Get the gradient stepped one element along lowzero = np.where((dy2 >= 0) & (dy < 0))[0] # Find downward zero crossings (ie low peaks) hihzero = np.where((dy2 < 0) & (dy >= 0))[0] # Find upward zero crossinds ( ie high peaks dz = hihzero - lowzero # get the difference between the maxima and minima zm = np.median(dz) # get the median difference good = np.where((dz > (zm - 2)) & (dz < (zm + 2))) # and Krypton lines whould fall within +/- 2 pixels of median hihpeak = hihzero[good] # select the good maxima lowpeak = lowzero[good] # and the good minima highs = s[hihpeak] # get the value of high lows = s[lowpeak] # and the value of the low good = np.where( highs > 0) # we need to make sure no zeros highs = highs[good] # If we do then lows = lows[good] # eliminate them. hihpeak = hihpeak[good] if len(highs) > 0: contrast = (highs - lows) / highs # estimate contrast contrastimage[ih, :] = np.interp(x, hihpeak, contrast, left=0, right=0) # interpolate contrast to each pixekl maxcontrast.append( np.max(contrast) ) bad = np.isnan(contrastimage) contrastimage[bad] = 0 return contrastimage, np.percentile(maxcontrast, 95)
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ComplianceTests::analyze_configuration_A #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def analyze_configuration_A( self, netcdf_filename : str, krypton_group : str, dark_group : str, arma_group : str, armb_group : str, plot_height_pixels : Tuple[int, int, int] = (10,75,140)): """ Analze the configuration A. :param krypton_directory: :param dark_directory: :param arma_directory: :param armb_directory: :param plot_height_pixels: :return: """ krdata = SHOWLevel0(self.instrument_name(), netcdf_filename, krypton_group) # Load in the Krypton image headers dark = krdata.make_dark_current( netcdf_filename, dark_group) # Load and create dark current averages for the krypton images ff = krdata.make_flat_field ( netcdf_filename, arma_group, netcdf_filename, armb_group, dark) # load and create flat field corrections for the krypton images krstats = krdata.average_images (darkcurrent=dark, flatfield=ff) # make average, std-dev and error signals form the krypton dta algorithm = L0Algorithms( krdata.params ) # create a level 0 algorithms object contrast,maxcontrast,kr_above_littrow = self.analyze_contrast( algorithm,krstats.average) # Analyze the contrast of the Krypton lines level1, level1error, ifgramwh, ifgramw = algorithm.interferogram_to_spectrum(krstats.average) # and call the code to convert the interferogram to spectrum spectrum = np.absolute(level1) # get the magnitude of each Fourier components H,F = spectrum.shape # Get the shape of the spectraum, H= num height, F = num frequencies smax = np.tile( np.max( spectrum, 1), (F,1)).transpose() # Get the maximum signal at each height, propagate the max to all M elements along the spectri, spectrum /= smax # and divide the spectrum by the maximum signal at each height # -- fit a 5 point parabola to the Krypton peak region. The spectral position of the Krypton lamp essentially fixes the Littrow wavenumber maxindex = np.argmax(spectrum, 1) # find the index of the maximum value of each spectrum at each height, array(H) minindex = maxindex - 2 # Get the start of the 5 point parabola fit at each height, array(H) bad = minindex < 0 # watch out for any indices below 0 minindex[bad] = 0 # and set them to zero y = np.zeros( (5,H) ) # Create an array to hold data for the 5 points surrounding the peak, (we need this dimension order for polyfit to work efficiently) for ih in range(H): # for each height y[:, ih] = spectrum[ ih, minindex[ih]:(minindex[ih]+5)] # get the 5 points surrounding the peak from the data x = np.linspace(0, 4, 5) # get the x coordinates relative to minindex p = np.polyfit(x,y,2) # and fit a quadratic/parabola to the 5 points a = p[0,:] # get the x**2 coefficient from the parabola fit for each height b = p[1,:] # get the x coeffiecient from the parabola fit for each height c = p[2,:] pk = -b/(2.0*a) + minindex # get the peak position for each height using standard parabola formula and add on the minimum index ypk = c - b*b/(4*a) # get the 'height' of the peak avgpk = np.average(pk) # get the average of the krypton peak position peak_error = np.std(pk) # and the standard deviation of the peak position. # ---- find the FWHM of the krypton line at each height fwhm = np.zeros( (H,) ) for ih in range(H): ixmax = maxindex[ih] # get the FFT bin of the max value y = spectrum[ih,:] # extract a slice from the Krypton spectrum yhalfmax = 0.5 #ypk[ih]/2.0 # getthe half max value, 0.5 seems better than max of parabola ixmin = ixmax # step to left of peak valu while y[ixmin] > yhalfmax: # and step down until we are before the half max value ixmin -= 1 # just step down if ixmin < 0: # watch out for dysfunction ixmin = 0 break x = np.arange( ixmin, ixmax+1, 1 ) # get the x coordinates from min to ma xleft = np.interp( [yhalfmax], y[x], x) # and get the x coordinate at y half max from linear interpolation ixmin = ixmax # now start from the peak while y[ixmin] > yhalfmax: # and step to the right ixmin += 1 # until we are below the halfmax if ixmin >= H: # watch out for dysfunction ixmin = H-1 break x = np.arange( ixmax, ixmin+1, 1) # get the x coordinates of stepped interval xright = np.interp([yhalfmax], np.flipud( y[x]) , np.flipud(x)) # get the x coordinate of half max. Note we have to reverse arrays to get y in ascending order fwhm[ih] = (xright[0]-xleft[0]) # and finally get FWHM value at this height avgfwhm = np.average(fwhm) # get the average of the krypton fwhm fwhm_error = np.std(fwhm) # and the standard deviation of the fwhm. # ---- print the results out to the screen dsigma = self.params.fft_step_size_wavenumber() # get the wavenumber change per FFT spectral bin in cm-1 dlamda = dsigma*1364.0*1364.0*1.0E-07 sign = -1.0 if (kr_above_littrow) else 1.0 krypt_wavenum=1.0E7/1363.42206 # Get the wavenumber of the krypton line in cm-1 in air from NIST Atomic Spectra Database Lines Data # krypt_wavenum=1.0E7/1363.79 # Krypton wavelength on a vacuum scale littrow_wavenum = krypt_wavenum - sign*avgpk*dsigma # get the Littrow wavenumber (at zero frequency in FTT space) littrow_wavenum_below = krypt_wavenum + avgpk * dsigma littrow_wavenum_above = krypt_wavenum - avgpk * dsigma error_wavenum = peak_error*dsigma # Get the error in the littrow wavenumber littrow_wavelength = 1.0E7/littrow_wavenum # and convert that to wavelength in nm. littrow_wavelength_below = 1.0E7 / littrow_wavenum_below # and convert that to wavelength in nm. littrow_wavelength_above = 1.0E7 / littrow_wavenum_above error_wavelen = 1.0E7*error_wavenum/(littrow_wavenum*littrow_wavenum ) fwhm_wavenum = avgfwhm*dsigma # get the FWHM in wavenumbers fwhm_err_wavenum = fwhm_error*dsigma # get the FWHM error in wavenumber fwhm_wavelen = fwhm_wavenum*1.0E7/(krypt_wavenum *krypt_wavenum) # get the FWHM in wavelength nm fwhm_err_wavelen = fwhm_err_wavenum*1.0E7/(krypt_wavenum *krypt_wavenum) # get the FWHM error in wavenumber minwavenumber = littrow_wavenum maxwavenumber = littrow_wavenum + F*dsigma maxwavelength = 1.0E7/minwavenumber minwavelength = 1.0E7/maxwavenumber abovestr = "BELOW" if kr_above_littrow else "ABOVE" print("Configuration A results from instrument [%s]:"%( self.instrument_name(),)) print() print("Average krypton peak position = (%7.4f +/- %6.4f) fft bins" % (avgpk, peak_error)) print('Krypton wavenumber = %10.5f cm-1'%(krypt_wavenum,)) print('Krypton wavelength = %10.5f nm'%(1.0E7/krypt_wavenum,)) print('Wavenumbers per fft bin = %10.6f cm-1'%(dsigma,)) print('Wavelength per fft bin = %10.6f nm' % (dlamda,)) print() print("Estimated Littrow wavelength = (%11.6f +/- %8.6f) nm if Littrow is below or (%11.6f +/- %8.6f) nm if Littrow is above"%(littrow_wavelength_below,error_wavelen, littrow_wavelength_above,error_wavelen)) print("Tilt of Krypton lines places Littrow wavelength %s the Krypton wavelength"%( abovestr, )) print("Spectral Resolution FWHM = (%11.6f +/- %8.6f) nm"%(fwhm_wavelen,fwhm_err_wavelen)) print("Nominal spectral range = ( %8.3f to %8.3f) nm"%(minwavelength,maxwavelength)) print() print("Estimated Littrow wavelength = (%11.6f +/- %8.6f) nm if below Littrow or (%11.6f +/- %8.6f) nm if above Littrow"%(littrow_wavenum_below,error_wavenum, littrow_wavenum_above,error_wavenum)) print("Spectral Resolution FWHM = (%11.6f +/- %8.6f) cm-1"%(fwhm_wavenum,fwhm_err_wavenum)) print("Nominal spectral range = ( %8.3f to %8.3f) cm-1"%(minwavenumber,maxwavenumber)) print() print('Maximum contrast in Kr fringes= %7.5f'%(maxcontrast,)) # ---- plot the results to several graphs on the scree plt.figure(15) plt.clf() plot_show_image(ifgramw, 'Krypton Interferogram, %s'%(self.instrument_name(),), subplot=211) plt.subplot(212) lines_if = [] for ipix in plot_height_pixels: l, =plt.plot(ifgramwh[ipix, :], '-', label='Height pixel %d' % (ipix,) ) lines_if.append(l) plt.legend(handles=lines_if) plt.title('Krypton Lamp Apodized Interferogram, %s'%( self.instrument_name(),)) plt.xlabel('Windowed pixel') plt.ylabel('DC Biased Signal') # ---- plot the FFT spectra plt.figure(16) plt.clf() plot_show_image(spectrum, 'Normalized Krypton Spectra, %s'%(self.instrument_name(),), subplot=211) plt.subplot(212) lines_sh = [] HH,MM = spectrum.shape wav = np.arange(0,MM)*dlamda + littrow_wavelength for ipix in plot_height_pixels: l, = plt.plot( wav, spectrum[ipix, : ], '-', label='Height pixel %d'%(ipix,) ) lines_sh.append(l) l, = plt.plot(wav, np.average(spectrum, 0), '-', label='Average') lines_sh.append(l) plt.legend( handles=lines_sh) plt.title('Krypton Lamp Spectra, %s'%( self.instrument_name(),)) plt.xlabel('Wavelength') plt.ylabel('Height Normalized Signal') ax = plt.gca() ax.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False) # ---- Plot the peak fit results plt.figure(17) plt.clf() plt.subplot(211) line_pk1= plt.plot( pk, 'ks') line_pk2= plt.errorbar( [H/2], [avgpk], yerr= [peak_error], ecolor='r') line_pk3 = plt.plot( [0,H-1], [avgpk, avgpk], 'r-') plt.text(0.95, 0.95, 'Peak = (%7.4f +/- %6.4f) fft bins' % (avgpk, peak_error), horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top', transform=plt.gca().transAxes) plt.title('Krypton Peak Location vs. Height') plt.ylabel('Peak location, FFT bins') plt.xlabel('Height bin') # ---- Plot the FWHM results plt.subplot(212) line_pk1= plt.plot( fwhm, 'ks') line_pk2= plt.errorbar( [H/2], [avgfwhm], yerr= [fwhm_error], ecolor='r') line_pk3 = plt.plot( [0,H-1], [avgfwhm, avgfwhm], 'r-') plt.text(0.95, 0.95, 'FWHM = (%7.4f +/- %6.4f) fft bins' % (avgfwhm, fwhm_error), horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top', transform=plt.gca().transAxes) plt.title('Krypton FWHM vs. Height') plt.ylabel('FWHM, FFT bins') plt.xlabel('Height bin') # ---- Plot the contrast results # plt.figure(4) # plot_show_image(contrast, 'Krypton Contrast, %5.1f ms, %s' % (exposuretime_usecs / 1000.0, self.instrument_name(),), subplot=221) plt.subplot(223) lines_sh = [] image = ifgramw for ipix in plot_height_pixels: l, = plt.plot(image[ipix, :], '-', label='Height pixel %d' % (ipix,)) lines_sh.append(l) plt.legend(handles=lines_sh) plt.title('Select Krypton Fringes, %s' % (self.instrument_name(),)) plt.xlabel('Spectral dimension') plt.ylabel('Signal DN') # plt.subplot(224) # plt.clf() # lines_sh = [] # for ipix in plot_height_pixels: # l, = plt.plot(contrast[ipix, :], '-', label='Height pixel %d' % (ipix,)) # lines_sh.append(l) # plt.legend(handles=lines_sh, loc=4) # plt.title('Krypton Contrast, %5.1f ms, %s' % (exposuretime_usecs / 1000.0, self.instrument_name(),)) # plt.xlabel('Spectral dimension') # plt.ylabel('(Peak-Trough)/Peak') krdata.close() print() print("End of SHOW Littrow wavelength and spectral resolution compliance test.") print(" **** Delete the Figure windows to return to command prompt ****** ")
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # make_spectra_fromcollection #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def make_spectralaverage_from_L0collection(self, L0:SHOWLevel0, algorithm :L0Algorithms, darkcurrent=None, ff=None, imageindex=None ): """ Make the FFT from each element of an array of interferograms . Get the average and the standard deviation :param L0: :param algorithm: :return: """ N = L0.numrecords() if (imageindex is None): imageindex = int(N/2) avg = None sd = None oneimage = None for i in range(N): l0 = L0.correct_image_ff_and_dc( i, darkcurrent=darkcurrent, ff=ff) # Get the level 0 image with DC and flat field correction complexspectrum, error, ifgramwh, ifgramw = algorithm.interferogram_to_spectrum( l0 ) # convert the level 0 to spectrum imgc = complexspectrum # get the complex spectrum imge = np.absolute(complexspectrum) # get the magnitude of the spectrum if (i == imageindex): oneimage = imge if avg is None: # do the stats avg = imgc # keep the average in the complex notation sd = imge * imge # use magnitude for the error analysis else: avg += imgc sd += imge * imge avg = np.absolute(avg) / N # get the average sigma q = (sd - N * (avg * avg)) / N # Get the mean square deviation, (I avoid the n-1 form so it still works if we have only 1 image) q[np.where(q < 0.0)] = 0.0 # Check for a few bad points that might stray ever so slightly less than 0.0, it throws the sqrt code sd = np.sqrt(q) # Get the root mean square deviation return avg,sd, oneimage
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ComplianceTests::analyze_configuration_B #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def analyze_configuration_B( self, netcdf_filename : str, white_groupname : str, dark_groupname : str, arma_groupname : str, armb_groupname : str, littrow_wavenum : float = 7336.016707, fwhm_wavenum : float = 0.268485, plot_height_pixels : Tuple[int, int, int] = (12,75,135), plot_h2o_xsection : bool = False) -> bool : """ Executes compliance tests for instrument configuration B. This is a white light configuration and is used to perform the spectral range validation. The spectral range is limited by an interference filter from 1363 nm to 1366 nm. This test is really a check on the filter to be sure that it has not delaminated and that the filter bandpass still covers a spectral range that includes water lines that we expect to see. This test provides a quick method to observe white light spectra. These spectra if taken under normal laboratory conditions should exhibit water absorption features. The test provides the option for the use to plot water cross-section alongside the spectra. We also apply a signal-to-noise check on the system. :param exposuretime_usecs: :param white_directory: :param dark_directory: :param arma_directory: :param armb_directory: :param littrow_wavenum: :param fwhm_wavenum: :param plot_height_pixels: :return: """ wtdata = SHOWLevel0(self.instrument_name(), netcdf_filename, white_groupname) # Load in the white light image headers dark = wtdata.make_dark_current( netcdf_filename, dark_groupname) # Load and create dark current averages for the white light images ff = wtdata.make_flat_field ( netcdf_filename, arma_groupname, netcdf_filename, armb_groupname, dark ) # load and create flat field corrections for the white light images wtstats = wtdata.average_images (darkcurrent=dark, flatfield=ff) # make average, std-dev and error signals form the white light data algorithm = L0Algorithms( wtdata.params ) # create a level 0 algorithms object complexspectra, error, ifgramwh, ifgramw = algorithm.interferogram_to_spectrum(wtstats.average, userdefinederror=wtstats.stddev ) # and call the code to convert the interferogram to spectrum spectrum = np.absolute(complexspectra) # get the magnitude of each Fourier components # get the collection of images at this exposure time imageindex = int(wtdata.numrecords()/2) # get the "one image" in the collection that we should plot heightindex = 110 sdx = algorithm.subwindow_array(wtstats.stddev) # Get the standard deviation of the interferogram clipped to the sub-window Ef,Ex = algorithm.rms_frequency_error_from_rms_spatial_error( sdx ) # Get the error on the standard deviation (should be same as error on one profile) avgspectrum, sd_spectrum, one_spectrum = self.make_spectralaverage_from_L0collection( wtdata, # average all the spectra from individual FFT's, get one sample spectrum algorithm, darkcurrent = dark, ff = ff, imageindex = imageindex) H,N = avgspectrum.shape Eff = np.tile( Ef, (N,1)).transpose() spectrum_error_ratio = sd_spectrum/Eff avg_spectrum_err_ratio = np.median(spectrum_error_ratio) avginterferogram = algorithm.subwindow_array( wtstats.average ) # Get the average interferogram, reduce it to the sub-window userdefinederror = algorithm.subwindow_array( wtstats.stddev ) # Get the standard deviation p of the interferograms record = wtdata.correct_image_ff_and_dc( imageindex, # Get one image darkcurrent = dark, # and correct for dark current ff = ff) # and flat-field oneinterferogram = algorithm.subwindow_array( record ) # Get the one image into a sub-window oneifgramerror = algorithm.rms_signal_error_from_detector_specs( oneinterferogram ) # get the theoretical signal error from detector stats ifgram_error_ratio = userdefinederror/oneifgramerror Edn = self.params.config['level0']['electrons_per_DN'] avg_ifgram_err_ratio = np.median( ifgram_error_ratio ) Edn_new = Edn/ (avg_ifgram_err_ratio*avg_ifgram_err_ratio) print("Configuration B results from instrument [%s]:"%(self.instrument_name(),)) print() print('Analysis of Interferogram Statistics') print("Median ratio of Std-dev to theoretical noise = %6.2f"%(avg_ifgram_err_ratio,)) print("Current configured Electrons per DN = %6.2f"%(Edn,)) print("New estimate of Electrons per DN to match std-dev = %6.2f"%(Edn_new,)) print() print('Analysis of Fourier transform Statistics') print("Median ratio of transform Std-dev to noise propagated from interferogram std dev = %6.2f"%(avg_spectrum_err_ratio,)) plt.figure(4) H,N = avgspectrum.shape x = np.arange(0,N,1) de = np.zeros( [N,])+Ef[heightindex] plt.plot( x, avgspectrum[heightindex,:], 'k-', label='Average spectrum') plt.plot( x, one_spectrum[heightindex,:], 'r-', label='One spectrum') plt.errorbar( x, one_spectrum[heightindex, :], yerr=de, ecolor='b', fmt='none') plt.errorbar( x, one_spectrum[heightindex,:], yerr=sd_spectrum[heightindex,:], ecolor='g', fmt='none') plt.legend( ('Average spectrum','One spectrum','Theoretical RMS Error','FFT Standard Dev.'), loc=1 ) plt.title('SHOW Spectral Noise Analysis, %s'%(self.instrument_name(),)) plt.figure(5) H,N = avginterferogram.shape x = np.arange(0,N,1) plt.plot ( x, avginterferogram[heightindex,:], 'k-', label='Average Ifgram, Row %d'%(heightindex,)) plt.plot ( x, oneinterferogram[heightindex,:], 'r-', label='One Ifgram Row %d'%(heightindex,)) plt.errorbar( x, oneinterferogram[heightindex,:], yerr=oneifgramerror [heightindex, :], ecolor='r', fmt='none') plt.errorbar( x, oneinterferogram[heightindex,:], yerr=userdefinederror[heightindex, :], ecolor='g', fmt='none') plt.legend( ('Average Ifgram, Row %d'%(heightindex,),'One Ifgram Row %d'%(heightindex,),'Detector Stats Error','Ifgram Standard Dev.'), loc=1 ) plt.title('SHOW Interferogram Noise Analysis, %s'%(self.instrument_name(),)) plot_show_image(spectrum_error_ratio, 'Spectral Transform Noise Ratio, %s'%(self.instrument_name(),), figurenum=6) plot_show_image(ifgram_error_ratio, 'Interferogram Noise Ratio, %s'%(self.instrument_name(),), figurenum=7) H,F = spectrum.shape # Get the shape of the spectrum, H= num height, F = num frequencies smax = np.tile( np.max( spectrum, 1), (F,1)).transpose() # Get the maximum signal at each height, propagate the max to all F elements along the spectri, spectrum /= smax # and divide the spectrum by the maximum signal at each height nair = 1.0002734 # refractive index of air at 1.363 microns h2owavenum, h2oabsxs = show_configuration.read_pickle_h20xsection() # get the hitran H2O cross-sections from pre-calculated python pickle file #h2owavenum *= nair # Convert wavenumber from vacuum to air h2oxs = h2oabsxs/np.max(h2oabsxs) plt.figure(1) plt.clf() plot_show_image(ifgramw, 'White Light Interferogram, %s'%(self.instrument_name(),), subplot=211) plt.subplot(212) lines_if = [] for ipix in plot_height_pixels: l, =plt.plot(ifgramwh[ipix, :], '-', label='Height pixel %d' % (ipix,) ) lines_if.append(l) plt.legend(handles=lines_if) plt.title('White Light Apodized Interferogram, %s'%(self.instrument_name(),)) plt.xlabel('Windowed pixel') plt.ylabel('DC Biased Signal') # ---- plot the white light spectra plot_show_image(spectrum, 'White Light Normalized Spectra, %s'%(self.instrument_name(),), figurenum=2) # plot the spectrum of white light as a 2-D image plt.figure(3) plt.clf() lines_sh = [] if plot_h2o_xsection: l, = plt.plot( 1.0E07/h2owavenum, h2oxs, 'k-', label='H2O cross-section') lines_sh.append(l) dsigma = self.params.fft_step_size_wavenumber() # Get the wavenumbers per FFT spectral bin pix_wavenum = littrow_wavenum - np.arange(0,F,1)*dsigma # Get the nominal wavenumber of each FFT spectral bin pix_wavelen = 1.0E7/pix_wavenum for ipix in plot_height_pixels: l, = plt.plot( pix_wavelen, spectrum[ipix, : ], '-', label='Height pixel %d'%(ipix,) ) lines_sh.append(l) l, = plt.plot(pix_wavelen, np.average(spectrum, 0), '-', label='Average') lines_sh.append(l) plt.legend( handles=lines_sh) plt.title('White Light Spectra, %s'%(self.instrument_name(),)) plt.xlabel('Wavelength nm') plt.ylabel('Height Normalized Signal') ax = plt.gca() ax.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False) wtdata.close() print() print("End of SHOW spectral range compliance test.") print(" **** Delete the Figure windows to return to command prompt ****** ") return True
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ComplianceTests::analyze_configuration_C #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def analyze_configuration_C( self, dark_directories : Union[str,List[str]] ): """ This function implements the Benchmark: Dark Current and Bias described in SHOW compliance Test and Performance Benchmarking document. We expect to perform this test with 5 unique exposure times ( ~0, 100, 200, 300 and 400 mili-seconds). However the fit algorithm will work properly with 2 or more unique exposure times. The plotting code only works properly with 6 or less unique exposure times. :param dark_directories: A list of directories containing (only)dark current images. The code will read in all images from the list of directories and sort them by exposure time. It is the callers responsibility to ensure that all the images are only dark current. :return: True """ print("SHOW Benchmark:Dark Current and Bias.") print("... loading image headers from directories") l0dark = SHOWLevel0( self.instrument_name(), dirnames = dark_directories ) # Load the dark current image headers from the given list of directories and sort according to exposure time print("... generating average and standard deviations. This may take a while.") l0darkstats = l0dark.average_images() # Generate a dictioonary of {integration time and image statistics} k = list(l0darkstats.keys()) # Get the exposure time (usecs) from the dictionary keys plt.figure(1) # Plot the average images for each expsoure time for i in range( len(k)): # the plotitng only works properly if there are less than 6 exposure time (2x3) plot_show_image( l0darkstats[k[i]].average.image, 'Dark Average, %5.1f ms'%(k[i]/1000.0,), subplot=231+i) plt.figure(2) # plot the standard deviation for i in range(len(k)): # of the images statistics for each exposure time plot_show_image( l0darkstats[k[i]].stddev, 'Dark Std Dev, %5.1f ms' % (k[i]/1000.0,), subplot=231+i) print("... performing straight line fit to ", len(k), " points/integration times" ) # now perform the weighted straight line fit dims = l0darkstats[k[0]].average.image.shape # we must reshape the arrays into 2d arrays of ( exposuretimes, pixels) ndark = len(k) # Get the number of dark expsoure times npix = l0darkstats[k[0]].average.image.size # get the number of pixels in each image (l0darkstats[k[0]].average is just a convenient image) x = np.array( k )/1000.0 # Get the exposure times in milli-seconds, its more intuitive for the fit results y_avg = np.zeros( (ndark, dims[0], dims[1]) ) # generate the array of average images so the first dimension is integration time y_std = np.zeros( (ndark, dims[0], dims[1]) ) # generate the array of std-dev images so the first dimension is integration time for ik in range(len(k)): # load the individual images into the array of images, for each integration time y_avg[ik,:,:] = l0darkstats[k[ik]].average.image # insert the average image for this integration time y_std[ik,:,:] = l0darkstats[k[ik]].stddev # insert the std-dev image for this integration time y = y_avg.reshape( (ndark, npix) ) # reshape the average so its not 3-D but 2-D, eg change (4, 640,512) to (4, 327680) weight = 1.0/y_std.reshape( (ndark, npix) ) # do the same with the st-dev but also convert to the weight for the straight line fit c,m,dc,dm = fit_straight_line( x, y, weight ) # do the straight line fit, all 4 params come back as 1-D arrays eg c(327680) c = c.reshape( dims ) # reshape the resturn fit values to the original image eg. (327680) -> (640, 512) m = m.reshape( dims ) dc = dc.reshape( dims ) dm = dm.reshape( dims ) plt.figure(3) # plot the straighht line fit results plot_show_image( c, 'DC Bias, DN', subplot=221) # plot the DC bias from the y intercept at zero integration time plot_show_image( m, 'Dark Current, DN/milli-sec', subplot=222) # plot the dark current from the gradient plot_show_image( dc, 'DC Bias Error, DN', subplot=223) # plot the error in the DC bias plot_show_image( dm, 'Dark Current Error, DN/milli-sec', subplot=224) # and make sure the we can see the image print('Configuration C: Dark Current and Bias Test Results') print() print('Median DC bias = %10.2f DN'%(np.median(c),)) print('Median Dark Current = %10.5f DN/millisecond'%(np.median(m),)) print() print('Completed SHOW Dark Current and Bias Compliance Test') print(" **** Delete the Figure windows to return to command prompt ****** ") # print the "Test Finished" statement. return True
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ComplianceTests::test_detector_noise # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def test_detector_noise(self, white_light_directories: Union[str, List[str]], dark_directories: Union[str, List[str]],): """ This function implements the Benchmark: Detector Noise described in the SHOW Compliance Test and Performance Benchmarking document. :param dark_directories: A list of directories containing (only)dark current images. The code will read in all images from the list of directories and sort them by exposure time. It is the callers responsibility to ensure that all the images are only dark current. :return: True """ print("SHOW Benchmark: Detector Noise.") print("... loading image headers from directories") l0dark = SHOWLevel0(self.instrument_name(), dirnames=dark_directories) # Load the dark current image header from the given list of directories and sort according to exposure time l0white = SHOWLevel0(self.instrument_name(), dirnames=white_light_directories) # Load the white light image headers print("... generating dark current average and standard deviations. This may take a while.") l0darkstats = l0dark.average_images() # Generate a dictionary of {integration time and image statistics} print("... generating white screen average and standard deviations. This may take a while.") l0whitestats = l0white.average_images( darkcurrent=l0darkstats) # Generate a dictionary of white light images with dark current subtracted k = list(l0whitestats.keys()) # Get the exposure time (usecs) from the dictionary keys plt.figure(1) # Plot the average images for each expsoure time for i in range(len(k)): # the plotting only works properly if there are less than 6 exposure time (2x3) plot_show_image(l0whitestats[k[i]].average.image, 'White Screen Average, %6.1f ms' % (k[i] / 1000.0,), subplot=111+i) plt.figure(2) # plot the standard deviation for i in range(len(k)): # of the images statistics for each exposure time plot_show_image(l0whitestats[k[i]].stddev, 'White Screen Std Dev, %6.1f ms' % (k[i] / 1000.0,), subplot=111+i) print('Completed SHOW BenchmarkDark Current and Bias Compliance Test') # print the "Test Finished" statement. print('Close the figures to continue') return True