Source code for showattitude.wgs84

from typing import  Tuple,List, Union
import numpy as np

#           class WGS84

[docs]class WGS84: """ Implements a few geodetic conversion functions using the WGS 84 ellipsoid. This is identical to ISKGeodetic WGS84 option in the sasktran libraries but is coded up in pure pytho """ semi_major = 6378137.0 flattening = 1.0 / 298.257223563 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # geodetic_to_geocentric #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @classmethod
[docs] def geodetic_to_geocentric( cls, latitude : Union[ float, np.ndarray, List[float]], longitude : Union[ float, np.ndarray, List[float]], altitude : Union[ float, np.ndarray, List[float]]) ->Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ This function conevrts geodetic latitude, longitude and altitude into geocentric x y and z coordinates using the WGS84 ellipsoid. It also returns the unit vectors for north, east and down at the location. The implementation will accept scalar or 1-D array based valuesr :param latitude: The geodetic latitude in degrees. Either scalar or list/array. :param longitude: The geodetic longitude in degrees. Either scalar or list/array, must be same size as latitude :param altitude: The altitude above mean sea level in meters. Either scalar or list/array, must be same size as latitude. :return: A tuple of 4 arrays ( location, north, east, down) - location is the geocentric, xyz, vector location in meters. It is an array (3, npts) where 0 is the x component , 1 is y component and 2 is the z components - north, the unit vector in geocentric coordinates at the location in the direction of north. It is an array of (3, npts) and is same as location except it is a unit vector - east, the unit vector in geocentric coordinates at the location in the direction of east. It is an array of (3, npts) and is same as location except it is a unit vector - down, the unit vector in geocentric coordinates at the location in the direction of down. It is an array of (3, npts) and is same as location except it is a unit vector Author: Daniel Letros Date Revised: 2017-02-24 """ npts = 1 if np.isscalar(latitude) else len(latitude) fm1 = 1.0 - WGS84.flattening # get 1-f fm12 = fm1*fm1 # get the square of the value latrad = np.deg2rad(latitude) # convert the latitude to radians lonrad = np.deg2rad(longitude) # convert the longitude to radians coslat = np.cos( latrad ) # get the cosine of the latitude as temporary array sinlat = np.sin( latrad ) # get the sine of the latitude as temporary array c = 1.0 / np.sqrt( coslat*coslat + (fm12*sinlat*sinlat) ) # calculate c s = fm12*c # and s h = (cls.semi_major * c + altitude) * coslat # get the horizontal component x = h * np.cos(lonrad) # get the x component, array(npts) y = h * np.sin(lonrad) # get the y component, array(npts) z = (cls.semi_major * s + altitude) * sinlat # get the z component, array(npts) # ---- calculate the down, north and east unit vectors zero = np.zeros( [npts] ) # create an array of zeroes as a temporaray array horiz = np.squeeze( np.array([x,y,zero])) # Create an array of horizontal vectors ( 3, npts) hlen = np.linalg.norm(horiz,axis=0, keepdims=True) # get the length of each vector (npts) bad = np.where( hlen == 0.0) # find out any that are zero (i.e. at the poles) hlen[bad] = 1.0 # and set the bad ones to a value that does not fail to Nan horiz = horiz/hlen # Divide each column by the normalized length, ie produce horizontal unit-vector vertical = np.squeeze( np.array( [zero, zero, zero+1.0] )) # vertical is a vector parallel to spin axis down = -horiz*coslat - vertical*sinlat # get vertical down unit vector at observer's location, in geocentric corrdinates north = vertical*coslat - horiz*sinlat # get due north unit vector at observer's location east = np.cross( down, north, axis=0 ) # get due east unit vector at observer's location geocentric = np.array( [x,y,z] ) # get the geocentric as a vector return (geocentric, north, east, down) #