Detector classes

Detector classes have not yet been integrated into the Skimpy framework. However these classes provide useful information about detectors.


The base class for detectors.

class DetectorProperties

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

dark_signal_rate(ccd_temperature: float)float

Returns the dark current of the detector at the given temperature in electrons per second .

  • ccd_temperature (float) – Temperature of the detector in Kelvin

  • Returns (return:) –

model_noise_snr(photon_flux: numpy.ndarray, wavelength: float, exposure_time: Union[float, numpy.ndarray], ccd_temperature: Optional[float] = None, num_offchip_pixels: Optional[int] = None, num_onchip_pixels: Optional[int] = None)float

Models the signal to noise ratio after accounting for dark current, quantum efficiency and detector readout. The default implementation is appropriate for CCD technologies where the error is Poisson shot noise and has both CCD readout noise and electronics noise (digitization errors etc.). Other tytpes of detector should override this default method.

  • photon_flux (np.ndarray(NSamples)) – The array of photon fluxes for all the samples of one pixel. This signal has been integrated over the field of view, wavelenghth bandpass and front aperture area and provides photons per second.

  • wavelength (float) – The nominal wavelength of the photon fluxes. This is usually the central wavelength of the pixel and is used to apply the quantum efficiency of the detector.

  • exposure_time (float or np.ndarray(Nsamples)) – Optional. Default 1.0. The exposure time of each photon flux sample in seconds. It can be a scalar or it must be an array the same size as photon_flux.

  • ccd_temperature (float) – Optional, The temperature of the CCD in Kelvin. This value is simply passed on to method dark_signal_rate. Default is normally taken from current detector attributes.

  • num_offchip_pixels (int) – Optional. The number of off-chip pixels to sum over. Default is taken from current detector attributes.

  • num_onchip_pixels (int) – Optional. The number of on-chip pixels to sum over. Default is taken from current detector attributes.


The signal-to-noise ratio. (Signal/Noise).

Return type


quantum_efficiency(wavelength: Union[float, numpy.ndarray])Union[float, numpy.ndarray]

Returns the detector quantum efficiency at the given wavelength. This simply looks up the the quantum efficiency table in the detector attributes and performs a linear interpolation in wavelength.


wavelength (float or np.ndarray) –


The quantum efficiency of the detector at the given wavelengths

Return type

float or np.ndarray


This is a descriptrion of the Allied Vision GT4095 CCD detector. This detector was used on the 2018 CATS instrument.

class DetectorProperties_GT4095

Properties of the Allied Vision GT4095 camera. Note that the sensor in this camera is a KAI-16050. Some of the specs come from Allied Vision datasheets, some come from KAI datasheets. I think some of the values are also just wrong and should be checked out.


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

dark_signal_rate(ccd_temperature: Optional[float] = None)

Returns the dark current of the detector at the given temperature in electrons per second .

  • ccd_temperature (float) – Temperature of the detector in Kelvin

  • Returns (return:) –