umkehr: High Level Interface¶
The high level interface provides an easy-to-use interface to the Umkehr algorithm. Its primary function is to process WOUDC Level 1 CSV files to WOUDC Level 2 CSV files.
Basic Example¶
Here is an example that shows how to use the umkehr high level interface:
import os.path
import os
from umkehr.process import Level1_to_Level2
inputdir = "/my/user_defined/csv/level1/directory"
outputdir = "/my/user_defined/csv/level2/directory"
inputfile = inputdir + os.sep + '20091101.Dobson.Beck.119.JMA.csv'
outputfile = outputdir + os.sep + '20091101.Dobson.Beck.119.JMA.Level2.csv'
Level1_to_Level2(inputfile,outputfile, KBN=3, verbose = True)
and here is a second, more complex, example that processes a selection of files. This script has been used to process over 10,000 WOUDC Level 1 CSV files stored in one folder:
import os
import os.path
import glob
import umkehr.process
def process_umkehr( filespec : str):
files = glob.glob( filespec )
nfiles = len(files)
numbad = 0
print("Processing ", nfiles, " files")
for level1inputfilename in files:
basename,ext = os.path.splitext(level1inputfilename )
dirname,name = os.path.split( basename )
outputname = dirname + os.sep + 'Level2'
os.mkdir( outputname)
outputname += os.sep + name + '.Level2' + ext
if not os.path.exists(outputname):
umkehr.process.Level1_to_Level2(level1inputfilename, outputname, KBN=3, verbose=True )
except Exception as err:
numbad = numbad + 1
print("Error processing <",level1inputfilename,"> Error =",err)
print("Files processed = ", nfiles)
print("num bad = ", numbad)
process_umkehr( r'E:\woudc\level1\*.csv')
Changing Input Files¶
The high level interface provides a few methods to change the input files used by the Fortran code. It is possible with
to change any of the input files used by the Fortran code while another 3 methods
allow for explicit changes to 3 specific files.
See Fortran Input and Output for a list and description of files used by the Fortran code. It is only possible to change files that are input to the Fortran and are not read from Python buffers. Users are entirley responsible for ensuring that the replacement file is compatible with the underlying Fortran code. A simple test is to check against the original Fortran code: if it works with the original Fortran code it should work with the Python interface.
Note that changing the input files should be performed before calling Level1_to_Level2()
. It is not possible
to guarantee that changes to input files after the first call will have any effect what-so-ever as the underlying Fortran code
initializes and caches many of its internal variables on the first call and only the first call.
(fullfilename: str)¶ Changes the file used for the Bass-Paur cross-sections file coef_dobch.dat. It must have the same format as the default version of coef_dobch.dat. This is an expert mode.
Parameters: fullfilename (str) – The full path name of the new configuration file.
(fullfilename: str)¶ Changes the file used for the Bass-Paur cross-sections file coef_dobcl.dat. It must have the same format as the default version of coef_dobcl.dat. This is an expert mode.
Parameters: fullfilename (str) – The full path name of the new configuration file.
(fullfilename : str)¶ Changes the file used for UMKEHR apriori. It must have the same format as the default apriori file, fstguess.99b. This is an expert mode.
Parameters: fullfilename (str) – The full path name of the new configuration file.
(fortranunit : int, fullfilename : str)¶ Changes the file used for any of the UMKEHR input configuration files. This assumes you know what you are doing as you must know the internal formats used by the Fortran code etc.
Parameters: - fortranunit (int) – The fortran unit used for the configuration file in the original umkv8.f fortran code
- fullfilename (str) – The full path name of the new configuration file.
(level1inputfilename : str, level2outputfilename : str, KBN=3, verbose=True)¶ Processes an Umkehr Level 1 file and writes the output to a Level 2 file.
Parameters: - level1inputfilename (str) – The fullname of the level 1 umkehr input file. If the file extension is ‘.csv’ then file is assumed to be a WOUDC extended CSV file. Otherwise it is assumed to be an original 80 column format Level 1 file.
- level2outputfilename (str) – The fullname of the Level 2 umkehr outpout file. If the file extension is ‘.csv’ then file will be written as a WOUDC extended CSV file. Otherwise it is written in the same format as the original umkv8.f program.
- KBN (int) – The index of the lowest solar zenith angle. This is the same number as entered when prompted by the original umkv8.f program. The default value is 3.
- verbose (bool) – If True then print messages will processing the Umkehr data files. Default is True