Fortran Input and Output

The UMKEHR and DECODE Fortran algorithms have been modified so some of the I/O data streams are now sent to or read from internal buffers that can be accessed by the Python code. Other data streams are un-modified except that the files are installed as part of the Python package installation. The Fortran code is modified so it is aware that files are located in another location on the system.

The directory where input files are located on your system can be found from within Python:

import os
import os.path
import umkehr_if

print( os.dirname( umkehr_if.__file__) + os.sep + 'data')
Unit I/O Description  
4 Output Output from UMKEHR (UMOUT) Fortran writes to python buffer
5 Input mk2v4cum.inp No change, default file is installed in the python package
6 Output UMKEHR nucumout Statistics Fortran writes to python buffer.
8 Input stdmscdobc_depol_top5.dat No change, default file is installed in the python package
9 Input fstguess.dat No change, default file is installed in the python package
10 Output Output from DECODE Fortran writes to python buffer during DECODE
10 Input Input to UMKEHR Fortran reads from python buffer during UMKEHR
11 Input phprofile.dat No change, default file is installed in the python package
13 Input refractn.dat No change, default file is installed in the python package
14 Output UMKEHR Averaging Kernels Fortran writes to python buffer
15 Input nrl.dat No change, default file is installed in the python package
18 Input std_pfl.asc No change, default file is installed in the python package
19 Input stdjacmsc.dat No change, default file is installed in the python package
21 Output Unit 21 output Fortran writes to python buffer
22 Output Unit 22 output Fortran writes to python buffer
25 Output Unit 25 output Fortran writes to python buffer
31 Output Unit 31 output Fortran writes to python buffer
79 Input totoz_press.dat No change, default file is installed in the python package
97 Input coef_dobch.dat No change, default file is installed in the python package
98 Input coef_dobcl.dat No change, default file is installed in the python package

Input to UMKEHR

This is the primary input stream to the UMKEHR algorithm. The file is generated internally by python on Unit 4 by decoding a standard Level 1 UMKEHR file. The file was read in the fortran UMKEHR algorithm with:

     READ (10,5600,END=900) (ID(I),I=3,6),LAM,KB,KE,ID(7),IOMEGA,(VNOB(K),K=1,12),ISTN

5010 FORMAT (I4,1X,A18,1X,F8.2,2F6.0)
5600 FORMAT (3I2,A1,I1,2I2,A2,I4,2F4.1,10F5.1,I3)

Example of stream contents:

 101 SYOWA                -69.00 1003.   83.
 611 913 31209 276  -1  -1  580  702  823  973 1143 1225 1253 1238 1207 1166101
 611 923 11200 261 393 461  558  668  772  910 1069 1169 1212 1214 1189 1147101
 711 913 11200 295 437 516  611  723  835  966 1119 1208 1240 1227 1196 1149101
 711 923 11209 332 482 587  718  859  992 1150 1298 1355 1356 1322 1279 1233101
1111 913 11200 374 556 645  769  910 1043 1191 1314 1347 1341 1300 1261 1212101
1211 923 11200 377 580 679  817  965 1107 1254 1363 1390 1380 1345 1309 1262101
1411 913 11209 383 582 683  828  980 1116 1254 1356 1382 1372 1332 1297 1253101
1511 913 11200 373 574 666  806  954 1089 1236 1348 1377 1365 1327 1288 1243101
1511 923 11200 384 586 681  826  982 1124 1270 1381 1404 1391 1350 1312 1263101
1611 913 11200 377 586 681  822  969 1109 1254 1361 1385 1371 1334 1296 1252101
1611 923 11200 391 607 703  850 1001 1140 1276 1378 1400 1385 1346 1304 1257101
1711 923 51209 381  -1  -1   -1   -1 1128 1272 1377 1400 1383 1345 1306 1261101
1811 913 11200 379 585 688  827  976 1111 1251 1357 1380 1369 1332 1296 1255101
1811 923 11200 379 585 685  826  976 1112 1254 1364 1388 1378 1339 1306 1255101
1911 913 11200 341 528 614  735  879 1024 1187 1318 1356 1347 1311 1276 1235101
1911 923 11200 353 536 623  755  909 1051 1210 1336 1370 1359 1324 1287 1241101
2711 913 11100 338 501 602  729  873 1003 1153 1280 1317 1311 1276 1246   -1101
2711 923 11100 312 462 550  668  800  929 1080 1231 1285 1290 1256 1223   -1101
2811 913 41104 352  -1  -1   -1  861  989 1132 1257 1296 1289 1259 1223   -1101
3011 923 11100 307 458 543  659  790  914 1059 1198 1250 1252 1220 1182   -1101

Output from UMKEHR (UMOUT)

This is the output from the UMKEHR algorithm. The data are captured by the Python interface and are subsequently encoded into the destination output format, e.g. WOUDC extended CSV. The original FORTRAN code used to write the stream:

     WRITE (4,4000) (ID(I),I=3,6),LAM,(IOUT(I),I=1,13), IOUT(I),I=15,19),ISN
4000 FORMAT (3(I3),1X,A1,I2,I5,I6,10(I6),I2,I2,I3,2(I4),I5,I4)

Typical file output:

 6 11  9 1 3  276  2742   121   247   784  2010  4126  5913  5341  3582  2804  2491 2 3 10   5  11   34 101
 6 11  9 2 3  261  2570   113   214   670  1883  3869  4719  4097  3508  3426  3202 2 3 10   8   7   44 101
 7 11  9 1 3  295  2892   108   194   606  1885  4067  4738  4381  4414  4533  3994 3 3 10   0   1   63 101
 7 11  9 2 3  332  3300   122   251   817  2163  4559  6948  6916  4810  3593  2818 2 3 10   8  48   28 101
11 11  9 1 3  374  3702   116   227   725  1959  4229  6924  7984  6285  4935  3639 3 3 10   0   1   37 101
12 11  9 2 3  377  3753   123   257   818  1949  3924  7540  9164  6394  4378  2985 2 3 10   7  63   20 101
14 11  9 1 3  383  3815   119   242   764  1850  3752  7350  9444  6834  4701  3090 3 3 10   0   1   18 101
15 11  9 1 3  373  3709   118   237   749  1874  3970  7405  8841  6323  4481  3096 3 3 10   0   1   18 101
15 11  9 2 3  384  3828   123   259   836  2036  4176  7960  9409  6376  4263  2841 2 3 10  10  82   15 101
16 11  9 1 3  377  3752   119   240   756  1833  3858  7604  9220  6432  4436  3016 3 3 10   0   1   21 101
16 11  9 2 3  391  3890   116   231   735  1861  3902  7495  9516  6954  4868  3224 3 3 10   0   1   18 101
17 11  9 2 3  381  3803   121   250   797  1905  3937  7983  9688  6452  4183  2709 3 5  8   1   6   19 101
18 11  9 1 3  379  3771   118   238   750  1804  3692  7341  9312  6700  4656  3101 3 3 10   0   1   17 101
18 11  9 2 3  379  3771   118   239   764  1890  3864  7390  9172  6587  4600  3086 3 3 10   0   1   16 101
19 11  9 1 3  341  3405   126   268   858  2017  4237  8002  8292  4929  3099  2220 3 3 10   1  10   50 101
19 11  9 2 3  353  3530   127   274   890  2095  4257  8105  8769  5305  3268  2206 3 3 10   1  12   33 101
27 11  9 1 3  338  3295   113   221   697  1727  3705  7278  8258  5265  3384  2297 3 3  9   0   1   37 101
27 11  9 2 3  312  2965   110   206   650  1749  3994  6947  6836  4188  2827  2149 3 3  9   0   1   56 101
28 11  9 1 3  352  3303   111   210   656  1654  3553  6866  8132  5557  3754  2535 3 4  8   0   4   78 101
30 11  9 2 3  307  2948   105   188   567  1518  3622  6708  7054  4496  3025  2198 3 3  9   0   5   41 101

Output from DECODE

The output from DECODE is identical to the Input to UMKEHR. The python code captures the output from the DECODE subroutine and configures it as the inpout the UMKEHR algorithm.

UMKEHR nucumout Statistics

This file is now captured as a stream which is accessible to the Python code but is usually discarded. It seems to capture various statistics and output as the algorithm goes about its business. A typical output example is:

 101 SYOWA                -69.00 1003.   83.
 TOTAL OZONE   OBSERVED= 348.3 +/-    0.0     SOLUTION= 343.7 +/-    0.0
 AVERAGE RESIDUAL= 0.33 +/-  0.17          TOTAL ITERATIONS=  55
 LAYER     61     60     59     58     57     56     55     54     53     52     51     50     49     48     47     46     45     44     43     42     41     40     39     38     37     36     35     34     33     32     31     30     29     28     27     26     25     24     23     22     21     20     19     18     17     16     15     14     13     12     11     10      9      8      7      6      5      4      3      2      1
 AVE DU     0.12E-05  0.50E-06  0.72E-06  0.10E-05  0.15E-05  0.21E-05  0.31E-05  0.44E-05  0.63E-05  0.89E-05  0.13E-04  0.18E-04  0.27E-04  0.40E-04  0.58E-04  0.80E-04  0.11E-03  0.14E-03  0.17E-03  0.22E-03  0.28E-03  0.36E-03  0.48E-03  0.64E-03  0.86E-03  0.12E-02  0.16E-02  0.21E-02  0.27E-02  0.33E-02  0.42E-02  0.51E-02  0.62E-02  0.75E-02  0.89E-02  0.11E-01  0.13E-01  0.15E-01  0.17E-01  0.19E-01  0.20E-01  0.21E-01  0.21E-01  0.20E-01  0.18E-01  0.16E-01  0.14E-01  0.13E-01  0.12E-01  0.11E-01  0.11E-01  0.95E-02  0.79E-02  0.60E-02  0.43E-02  0.32E-02  0.25E-02  0.23E-02  0.26E-02  0.32E-02  0.43E-02
 DEV DU  0.36E-08  0.86E-09  0.18E-08  0.36E-08  0.68E-08  0.12E-07  0.22E-07  0.37E-07  0.64E-07  0.11E-06  0.18E-06  0.31E-06  0.54E-06  0.93E-06  0.16E-05  0.26E-05  0.41E-05  0.62E-05  0.91E-05  0.13E-04  0.20E-04  0.29E-04  0.43E-04  0.64E-04  0.92E-04  0.13E-03  0.18E-03  0.23E-03  0.28E-03  0.32E-03  0.35E-03  0.39E-03  0.47E-03  0.57E-03  0.64E-03  0.66E-03  0.75E-03  0.12E-02  0.19E-02  0.28E-02  0.36E-02  0.41E-02  0.44E-02  0.43E-02  0.39E-02  0.34E-02  0.29E-02  0.25E-02  0.22E-02  0.21E-02  0.19E-02  0.17E-02  0.14E-02  0.10E-02  0.74E-03  0.53E-03  0.42E-03  0.41E-03  0.48E-03  0.62E-03  0.79E-03
 ERROR   0.4E-04   0.2E-04   0.2E-04   0.3E-04   0.5E-04   0.7E-04   0.1E-03   0.1E-03   0.2E-03   0.3E-03   0.4E-03   0.6E-03   0.8E-03   0.1E-02   0.2E-02   0.2E-02   0.3E-02   0.4E-02   0.5E-02   0.6E-02   0.8E-02   0.1E-01   0.1E-01   0.2E-01   0.2E-01   0.3E-01   0.3E-01   0.4E-01   0.5E-01   0.6E-01   0.7E-01   0.9E-01   0.1E+00   0.1E+00   0.1E+00   0.2E+00   0.2E+00   0.2E+00   0.2E+00   0.2E+00   0.3E+00   0.3E+00   0.3E+00   0.2E+00   0.2E+00   0.2E+00   0.2E+00   0.2E+00   0.2E+00   0.2E+00   0.1E+00   0.1E+00   0.1E+00   0.9E-01   0.7E-01   0.6E-01   0.5E-01   0.5E-01   0.5E-01   0.7E-01   0.1E+00
 VARED -0.393E+14-0.146E+15-0.522E+14-0.214E+14-0.884E+13-0.352E+13-0.102E+13-0.237E+12-0.643E+11-0.105E+12 0.100E+01 0.100E+01-0.117E+08-0.159E+09-0.703E+09-0.207E+09-0.901E+03-0.580E+05-0.115E+07-0.453E+07-0.420E+06 0.100E+01-0.327E+06 0.784E+07-0.809E+06-0.141E+06 0.374E+05-0.382E+06-0.623E+07-0.467E+08 0.100E+01-0.216E+03 0.127E+02 0.341E+03-0.230E+02-0.170E+02 0.763E+01 0.100E+01-0.580E+08-0.433E+08-0.456E+07 0.100E+01 0.100E+01-0.888E+06 0.118E+07-0.319E+03-0.584E+04-0.666E+04-0.412E+03 0.133E+05-0.365E+03-0.910E+04 0.100E+01 0.307E+06 0.100E+01 0.100E+01-0.649E+06-0.962E+06-0.542E+06-0.323E+06-0.197E+06
  ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****

UMKEHR Averaging Kernels

This file, sometimes referred to as uprint, contains the UMKEHR Averaging kernels:

     WRITE (14,6400) (FRES(I),I=KB,KE)
     WRITE (14,6600) (TDXN(I)*1000.,I=6,15)
     do k=1,8
     WRITE (14,6661) (AVK8(K,I),I=1,8)
     end do

4010 FORMAT (1H ,7HNU TOZ=,F5.1,3X,6HALFAS=,3F7.4,3X,8HSOL TOZ=,F5.1,3X,5HITER=,I1,3X,4HRES=,F4.2,3X,3HDF=,F5.3,3X,3HDN=,F4.2)
6400 FORMAT (11H FINAL NRES,3X,12F6.1)
6661 FORMAT (8F8.3)

Typical output:

     LATITUDE=  -69.00     SFC PRESSURE= 0.990 ATM     STN HEIGHT=   83. M     STD TEMP PROFILE
 ********SYOWA                DATE  6 11  9   L= 3  T=1  KB=3  KE=12  LS=09  OBS TOZ=276.0**********
 INITL NVAL     58.0  70.2  82.3  97.3 114.3 122.5 125.3 123.8 120.7 116.6
A PRIORI PROF (DU)    1.20   2.45   7.69  19.09  37.10  54.20  52.00  34.08  24.32  20.26
 INITL NRES     -4.4  -4.4  -4.2  -3.7  -2.6  -3.4  -4.6  -6.4  -7.5  -7.8
 NU TOZ=276.0   ALFAS= 1.9194 2.0119 0.0925   SOL TOZ=274.2   ITER=2   RES=0.34   DF=0.005   DN=0.11
 FINAL NRES      5.4   5.8   5.9   5.7   4.9   5.3   5.4   5.7   5.6   4.8
SOLUTION PROF (DU)    1.21   2.47   7.84  20.10  41.26  59.13  53.41  35.82  28.04  24.91
   0.317   0.222   0.054  -0.013  -0.006   0.003   0.002  -0.008
   0.593   0.433   0.140  -0.003  -0.007   0.003   0.002  -0.015
   0.626   0.563   0.393   0.151   0.026  -0.006  -0.018  -0.020
  -0.351  -0.018   0.515   0.503   0.217   0.043  -0.065  -0.041
  -0.570  -0.351   0.109   0.473   0.450   0.280   0.041  -0.099
   0.090  -0.034  -0.185   0.047   0.317   0.388   0.289   0.017
   0.376   0.169  -0.196  -0.198   0.133   0.395   0.531   0.303
   0.045   0.016  -0.041  -0.050   0.019   0.095   0.165   0.157
 ********SYOWA                DATE  6 11  9   L= 3  T=2  KB=3  KE=12  LS=00  OBS TOZ=261.0**********
 INITL NVAL     55.8  66.8  77.2  91.0 106.9 116.9 121.2 121.4 118.9 114.7
A PRIORI PROF (DU)    1.20   2.45   7.69  19.09  37.10  54.20  52.00  34.08  24.32  20.26
 INITL NRES     -3.2  -3.9  -4.9  -5.3  -5.5  -5.2  -5.6  -6.5  -7.3  -7.9
 NU TOZ=261.0   ALFAS= 1.9204 2.0130 0.0926   SOL TOZ=257.0   ITER=2   RES=0.44   DF=0.008   DN=0.07
 FINAL NRES      3.1   3.4   4.0   3.6   3.1   2.5   2.9   3.4   3.6   3.3
SOLUTION PROF (DU)    1.13   2.14   6.70  18.83  38.69  47.19  40.97  35.08  34.26  32.02
   0.293   0.222   0.058  -0.012  -0.007   0.002   0.003  -0.008
   0.567   0.440   0.144  -0.003  -0.008   0.003   0.002  -0.014
   0.657   0.582   0.386   0.145   0.028  -0.006  -0.018  -0.018
  -0.246  -0.012   0.498   0.490   0.227   0.044  -0.071  -0.030
  -0.580  -0.375   0.108   0.472   0.461   0.291   0.021  -0.091
   0.048  -0.027  -0.180   0.046   0.313   0.401   0.285   0.003
   0.346   0.185  -0.172  -0.191   0.106   0.389   0.555   0.289
   0.040   0.016  -0.035  -0.046   0.014   0.090   0.172   0.154
 ********SYOWA                DATE  7 11  9   L= 3  T=1  KB=3  KE=12  LS=00  OBS TOZ=295.0**********
 INITL NVAL     61.7  72.8  83.5  96.6 111.9 120.8 124.0 122.7 119.6 114.9
A PRIORI PROF (DU)    1.20   2.44   7.66  19.07  37.08  54.31  52.13  34.11  24.33  20.21
 INITL NRES     -5.0  -6.7  -8.3  -9.9 -10.0  -9.1  -9.1 -10.1 -10.9 -11.7
 NU TOZ=295.0   ALFAS= 1.9182 2.0105 0.0923   SOL TOZ=288.6   ITER=2   RES=0.71   DF=0.030   DN=0.14
 FINAL NRES      3.9   4.5   4.9   4.9   3.8   3.0   3.4   4.4   4.6   4.3
SOLUTION PROF (DU)    1.06   1.86   5.72  18.33  40.76  46.68  41.91  43.83  46.67  41.76
   0.281   0.227   0.058  -0.013  -0.006   0.003   0.002  -0.007
   0.555   0.454   0.143  -0.006  -0.008   0.004   0.001  -0.014
   0.657   0.583   0.389   0.143   0.028  -0.007  -0.018  -0.017
  -0.220  -0.056   0.496   0.498   0.230   0.039  -0.072  -0.027
  -0.551  -0.375   0.092   0.473   0.470   0.294   0.013  -0.092
   0.047   0.011  -0.187   0.034   0.315   0.413   0.278   0.001
   0.303   0.189  -0.161  -0.192   0.099   0.393   0.552   0.300
   0.032   0.013  -0.032  -0.044   0.011   0.089   0.172   0.157
 ********SYOWA                DATE  7 11  9   L= 3  T=2  KB=3  KE=12  LS=09  OBS TOZ=332.0**********
 INITL NVAL     71.8  85.9  99.2 115.0 129.8 135.5 135.6 132.2 127.9 123.3
A PRIORI PROF (DU)    1.20   2.44   7.66  19.07  37.08  54.31  52.13  34.11  24.33  20.21
 INITL NRES     -3.1  -2.8  -2.5  -1.5  -0.9  -1.5  -3.2  -5.3  -7.0  -7.4
 NU TOZ=332.0   ALFAS= 1.9163 2.0083 0.0920   SOL TOZ=330.0   ITER=2   RES=0.28   DF=0.008   DN=0.48
 FINAL NRES      4.3   4.5   4.8   4.5   4.2   4.1   4.3   4.5   4.7   3.8
SOLUTION PROF (DU)    1.22   2.51   8.17  21.63  45.59  69.48  69.16  48.10  35.93  28.18
   0.336   0.227   0.048  -0.015  -0.004   0.003   0.002  -0.008
   0.616   0.437   0.132  -0.004  -0.005   0.004   0.000  -0.015
   0.588   0.541   0.400   0.155   0.026  -0.006  -0.020  -0.021
  -0.432  -0.053   0.530   0.514   0.215   0.039  -0.062  -0.047
  -0.531  -0.330   0.095   0.472   0.452   0.277   0.046  -0.107
   0.133  -0.016  -0.201   0.041   0.322   0.388   0.284   0.029
   0.350   0.146  -0.207  -0.198   0.143   0.398   0.512   0.332
   0.033   0.009  -0.041  -0.052   0.020   0.096   0.162   0.163


A small text file that overides the standard input. Provides a few variables used by the umkehr algorithm:


The format of the file is:

1 1    1.0000 U


Used in subroutine STNDRD. It is an initialization stage that reads 81 elements standard pressure-height profile and spline interpolation for forward model calculations:

~       READ (11,1100) (PS(I),I=1,81)
~  1100 FORMAT (4X,7E10.3)

The contents of the default file:

~  1 1.000E+00 8.859E-01 7.829E-01 6.901E-01 6.067E-01 5.317E-01 4.643E-01 45AV
~  8 4.039E-01 3.501E-01 3.023E-01 2.603E-01 2.233E-01 1.912E-01 1.635E-01 45AV
~ 15 1.397E-01 1.193E-01 1.018E-01 8.694E-02 7.423E-02 6.339E-02 5.415E-02 45AV
~ 22 4.628E-02 3.957E-02 3.386E-02 2.898E-02 2.483E-02 2.128E-02 1.825E-02 45AV
~ 29 1.566E-02 1.345E-02 1.157E-02 9.959E-03 8.585E-03 7.412E-03 6.409E-03 45AV
~ 36 5.550E-03 4.815E-03 4.184E-03 3.641E-03 3.174E-03 2.771E-03 2.423E-03 45AV
~ 43 2.121E-03 1.858E-03 1.630E-03 1.431E-03 1.257E-03 1.104E-03 9.701E-04 45AV
~ 50 8.523E-04 7.484E-04 6.567E-04 5.758E-04 5.044E-04 4.413E-04 3.856E-04 45AV
~ 57 3.364E-04 2.931E-04 2.551E-04 2.216E-04 1.923E-04 1.666E-04 1.441E-04 45AV
~ 64 1.245E-04 1.074E-04 9.258E-05 7.967E-05 6.848E-05 5.878E-05 5.039E-05 45AV
~ 71 4.314E-05 3.689E-05 3.151E-05 2.689E-05 2.291E-05 1.949E-05 1.657E-05 45AV
~ 78 1.406E-05 1.191E-05 1.008E-05 8.520E-06 7.189E-06 6.058E-06 5.097E-06 45AV


The file is read inside the main routine where it reads in an array of refraction corrections:

~      READ (13,5501) (TOTREF(I),(REFCOR(J,I),J=12,1,-1),I=1,5)
~ 5501 FORMAT (6X,F2.0,12F6.2)

File contents:

~ REFRAC15  0.54  0.38  0.26  0.16  0.10  0.05  0.02  0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00
~ REFRAC20  0.59  0.45  0.33  0.21  0.13  0.06  0.02  0.00 -0.00 -0.01 -0.00 -0.00
~ REFRAC30  0.56  0.45  0.36  0.25  0.19  0.11  0.04  0.01 -0.00 -0.01 -0.00 -0.00
~ REFRAC40  0.52  0.43  0.35  0.27  0.21  0.14  0.06  0.02  0.00 -0.01 -0.01 -0.00
~ REFRAC55  0.47  0.39  0.33  0.26  0.21  0.15  0.09  0.04  0.01 -0.00 -0.01 -0.01


This file is read in on unit 9 in subroutine SASCO3 and generates the first-guess a-priori (FG). FG is based on the seasonal cycle in all 16 layers, NOT the total ozone. OMOBS is used to normalize seasonal FG to the observed total ozone. Input includes,


The “fstguess.dat” file lists parameters for generating typical seasonal variations in ozone profile. The latitude-dependent climatology of monthly averages of ozone profiles was compiled by NASA/Goddard (McPeters and Labow, 2003). The cosine fit to the climatology is as following:

AP(i) = COEF1(i) +COEF2(i)*COS((JULDAY-COEF3(i))*2*p/365),


  • AP(i) is a priori ozone amount in DU in layer i,
  • COEF1 (i), COEF2 (i), COEF3 (i) are coefficients of the fit for layer i tabulated in the file “fstguess.dat”,
  • JULDAY is a Julian day of the year.

The file is organized in 14 blocks of three coefficients, where each block represents the fit for a climatology averaged over 10-degree latitude band. The first block has data for 60-degrees Northern latitude and above, and the last block has data for 60-degrees Southern latitude and above. Each block is organized as following:

  • COEF1(i=1,13)
  • COEF3(i=1,13)
  • COEF3(i=1,13)

where i=1 is the bottom layer, i=13 is the top layer. The layering system is given in pressure-level coordinates, where the bottom layer is confined between 1 and 0.5 atm, the top pressure level of the layer is half of the pressure at the bottom level.

The file is read with the following Fortran code:

~      DO 20 L=1,14                                                      00007530
~      DO 20 K=1,3                                                       00007540
~      READ (9,9000) (C(L,I,K),I=1,6)                                    TEMP****
~      READ (9,9000) (C(L,I,K),I=7,13)                                   00007560
~   20 CONTINUE                                                          00007570
~ 9000 FORMAT (7E10.3)

and the default file contents:

~   0.173E+02 0.167E+02 0.408E+02 0.640E+02 0.752E+02 0.567E+02
~   0.350E+02 0.199E+02 0.966E+01 0.331E+01 0.101E+01 0.333E+00 0.102E+00
~   0.203E+01 0.315E+01 0.132E+02-0.155E+02-0.121E+02 0.567E+01
~  -0.245E+01 0.986E+00-0.214E+01 0.103E+01 0.214E+00 0.389E-01 0.180E-01
~   0.135E+03 0.133E+03 0.840E+02 0.234E+03 0.241E+03 0.600E+02
~   0.288E+03 0.490E+02 0.185E+03 0.100E+01 0.362E+03 0.352E+03 0.110E+02
~   0.178E+02 0.152E+02 0.320E+02 0.526E+02 0.741E+02 0.634E+02
~   0.391E+02 0.213E+02 0.964E+01 0.332E+01 0.105E+01 0.341E+00 0.103E+00
~  -0.266E+01 0.255E+01 0.120E+02-0.120E+02 0.119E+02 0.267E+01
~  -0.326E+01 0.113E+01-0.108E+01 0.835E+00 0.216E+00 0.320E-01 0.300E-02
~   0.338E+03 0.132E+03 0.920E+02 0.249E+03 0.630E+02 0.730E+02
~   0.343E+03 0.149E+03 0.179E+03 0.358E+03 0.358E+03 0.363E+03 0.145E+03
~   0.185E+02 0.142E+02 0.258E+02 0.446E+02 0.719E+02 0.676E+02
~   0.429E+02 0.228E+02 0.992E+01 0.333E+01 0.106E+01 0.345E+00 0.103E+00
~   0.404E+01-0.274E+01 0.116E+02 0.119E+02-0.105E+02-0.202E+01
~   0.534E+01-0.202E+01 0.823E+00-0.679E+00 0.149E+00-0.231E-01 0.300E-02
~   0.169E+03 0.330E+03 0.830E+02 0.620E+02 0.245E+03 0.337E+03
~   0.178E+03 0.352E+03 0.347E+03 0.170E+03 0.355E+03 0.180E+03 0.145E+03
~   0.204E+02 0.133E+02 0.180E+02 0.333E+02 0.674E+02 0.712E+02
~   0.474E+02 0.244E+02 0.100E+02 0.320E+01 0.103E+01 0.347E+00 0.103E+00
~   0.459E+01 0.239E+01-0.982E+01 0.957E+01-0.909E+01-0.349E+01
~  -0.561E+01-0.177E+01-0.634E+00 0.348E+00 0.610E-01 0.120E-01 0.300E-02
~   0.171E+03 0.135E+03 0.261E+03 0.700E+02 0.256E+03 0.300E+01
~   0.700E+01 0.100E+01 0.142E+03 0.343E+03 0.347E+03 0.360E+03 0.145E+03
~   0.164E+02 0.113E+02 0.753E+01 0.153E+02 0.517E+02 0.721E+02
~   0.523E+02 0.261E+02 0.101E+02 0.314E+01 0.100E+01 0.337E+00 0.113E+00
~  -0.291E+01-0.209E+01-0.205E+01-0.248E+01 0.480E+01 0.496E+01
~  -0.450E+01-0.133E+01 0.325E+00-0.133E+00 0.117E-01 0.245E-02 0.400E-02
~   0.264E+03 0.299E+03 0.295E+03 0.327E+03 0.130E+03 0.185E+03
~   0.100E+02 0.200E+01 0.309E+03 0.152E+03 0.317E+03 0.182E+03 0.180E+03
~   0.149E+02 0.100E+02 0.654E+01 0.146E+02 0.504E+02 0.745E+02
~   0.570E+02 0.274E+02 0.102E+02 0.307E+01 0.970E+00 0.325E+00 0.113E+00
~   0.259E+01-0.261E+01 0.188E+01-0.336E+01-0.314E+01-0.480E+01
~  -0.241E+01 0.709E+00 0.229E+00-0.683E-01 0.194E-01-0.119E-01 0.400E-02
~   0.930E+02 0.275E+03 0.124E+03 0.361E+03 0.333E+03 0.800E+01
~   0.300E+01 0.166E+03 0.351E+03 0.145E+03 0.228E+03 0.150E+02 0.180E+03
~   0.154E+02 0.111E+02 0.675E+01 0.125E+02 0.462E+02 0.751E+02
~   0.600E+02 0.280E+02 0.102E+02 0.304E+01 0.950E+00 0.317E+00 0.113E+00
~  -0.770E+00-0.297E+00 0.342E+00-0.169E+01 0.174E+01-0.339E+01
~  -0.582E+00-0.538E+00-0.532E+00-0.960E-01-0.235E-01-0.123E-01 0.400E-02
~   0.590E+02 0.192E+03 0.153E+03 0.210E+02 0.175E+03 0.900E+01
~   0.263E+03 0.213E+03 0.183E+03 0.151E+03 0.530E+02 0.130E+02 0.180E+03
~   0.161E+02 0.121E+02 0.698E+01 0.104E+02 0.421E+02 0.745E+02
~   0.603E+02 0.282E+02 0.102E+02 0.304E+01 0.952E+00 0.317E+00 0.113E+00
~   0.396E+01-0.262E+01 0.133E+01 0.144E+01-0.142E+01-0.183E+01
~  -0.191E+01 0.180E+01 0.549E+00-0.802E-01 0.239E-01 0.115E-01 0.100E-02
~   0.262E+03 0.106E+03 0.292E+03 0.282E+03 0.580E+02 0.110E+02
~   0.208E+03 0.160E+02 0.354E+03 0.134E+03 0.239E+03 0.206E+03 0.264E+03
~   0.101E+02 0.713E+01 0.417E+01 0.108E+02 0.456E+02 0.734E+02
~   0.581E+02 0.279E+02 0.103E+02 0.309E+01 0.971E+00 0.324E+00 0.113E+00
~  -0.240E+01-0.127E+01 0.424E+00 0.248E+01-0.391E+01-0.792E+00
~   0.385E+01-0.242E+01 0.299E+00 0.386E-01 0.200E-02-0.379E-02 0.100E-02
~   0.560E+02 0.830E+02 0.259E+03 0.275E+03 0.850E+02 0.197E+03
~   0.170E+02 0.191E+03 0.600E+01 0.530E+02 0.217E+03 0.390E+02 0.264E+03
~   0.153E+02 0.127E+02 0.851E+01 0.147E+02 0.522E+02 0.730E+02
~   0.531E+02 0.265E+02 0.104E+02 0.317E+01 0.100E+01 0.333E+00 0.113E+00
~   0.386E+01-0.260E+01 0.135E+01 0.318E+01-0.795E+01 0.111E+01
~   0.561E+01 0.194E+01 0.339E+00 0.190E+00-0.268E-01 0.544E-02 0.100E-02
~   0.263E+03 0.100E+03 0.274E+03 0.263E+03 0.630E+02 0.430E+02
~   0.190E+02 0.100E+01 0.161E+03 0.153E+03 0.326E+03 0.183E+03 0.264E+03
~   0.139E+02 0.109E+02 0.169E+02 0.340E+02 0.682E+02 0.716E+02
~   0.485E+02 0.249E+02 0.104E+02 0.330E+01 0.104E+01 0.345E+00 0.106E+00
~   0.103E+01-0.233E+01 0.795E+01-0.123E+02 0.148E+02 0.177E+01
~   0.567E+01-0.167E+01 0.874E+00 0.493E+00-0.884E-01-0.168E-01 0.200E-02
~   0.280E+03 0.970E+02 0.241E+03 0.600E+02 0.247E+03 0.295E+03
~   0.800E+01 0.170E+03 0.180E+03 0.168E+03 0.347E+03 0.362E+03 0.251E+03
~   0.106E+02 0.104E+02 0.218E+02 0.437E+02 0.730E+02 0.681E+02
~   0.434E+02 0.228E+02 0.102E+02 0.343E+01 0.106E+01 0.341E+00 0.106E+00
~   0.178E+01-0.209E+01 0.953E+01 0.149E+02-0.142E+02 0.348E+01
~   0.561E+01 0.170E+01 0.118E+01 0.837E+00 0.174E+00 0.240E-01 0.200E-02
~   0.239E+03 0.101E+03 0.242E+03 0.242E+03 0.670E+02 0.281E+03
~   0.353E+03 0.341E+03 0.180E+03 0.172E+03 0.172E+03 0.172E+03 0.251E+03
~   0.111E+02 0.103E+02 0.241E+02 0.462E+02 0.675E+02 0.605E+02
~   0.390E+02 0.210E+02 0.966E+01 0.331E+01 0.103E+01 0.332E+00 0.106E+00
~  -0.272E+01 0.103E+01-0.402E+01-0.747E+01-0.269E+01 0.282E+01
~   0.397E+01 0.784E+00-0.143E+01 0.886E+00 0.200E+00 0.288E-01 0.200E-02
~   0.380E+02 0.305E+03 0.490E+02 0.365E+03 0.400E+01 0.337E+03
~   0.338E+03 0.312E+03 0.356E+03 0.171E+03 0.172E+03 0.179E+03 0.251E+03
~   0.104E+02 0.103E+02 0.263E+02 0.486E+02 0.620E+02 0.505E+02
~   0.353E+02 0.196E+02 0.932E+01 0.320E+01 0.100E+01 0.331E+00 0.990E-01
~  -0.335E+01 0.773E+00-0.218E+01-0.146E+02-0.126E+02-0.778E+01
~   0.209E+01-0.143E+01-0.228E+01-0.107E+01-0.254E+00 0.572E-01 0.130E-01
~   0.290E+02 0.230E+02 0.285E+03 0.304E+03 0.272E+03 0.190E+03
~   0.279E+03 0.150E+02 0.355E+03 0.356E+03 0.357E+03 0.173E+03 0.168E+03


This file is read in the main subroutine. It contains the multiple scattering corrections as an array (12x42). The file used to correct for multiple-scattering component of the N-values calculated in forward model as single-scatted radiance. Note taht “stdrfcdobc_depol_top5_std21.dat” is a file to correct N-value for atmospheric refraction of the solar radiation.

These data are organized as the following two blocks:

  • first block is for sea-level pressure (lines 1-21).
  • second block is for 500 mb pressure (lines 22-42), so we can use linear interpolation in pressure to the altitude of the station.

Each block has data for low latitude (3 lines=3 standard profiles at 225, 275 and 325 DU), followed by ozone profile data typical for the middle latitudes (8 lines, from 225 to 575 DU, by 50 DU increments), and then by the data for high latitudes (10 profiles, from 125 to 575 DU by 50 DU increments).

The columns are data at 12 SZAs: from 60 to 90 SZA. The tables were produced using TOMRAD RT code, based on Dave-Mateer code. In MS correction tables (“stdmscdob*_depol_top5.dat”, * is a, c, d for wavelength pairs A, C, D) the de-polarization of radiation (important for MS correction, and cancels out in SS N- values) is taken into account. I also re-calculated refraction correction tables (stdrfcdob*.dat). You will see that refraction table for C-pair is very different from the old table. I am not sure what is causing it. So, use refraction correction tables with caution (but you have to use the new table for all 3 pairs for consistency).

The file is read with following FORTRAN statements:

READ (8,*) ((CQMS(I,J),I=1,12),J=1,42)

the default contents are:

-5.484 -5.646 -5.701 -5.507 -5.005 -3.794 -1.07 1.973 4.338 5.625 5.688 5.34
-4.905 -4.959 -4.821 -4.329 -3.41 -1.449 2.334 5.507 7.141 7.557 7.312 6.835
-4.083 -3.998 -3.616 -2.759 -1.363 1.306 5.547 8.152 9.069 9.048 8.688 8.164
-4.785 -4.864 -4.796 -4.454 -3.802 -2.434 0.211 2.741 4.517 5.467 5.526 5.26
-3.818 -3.771 -3.493 -2.856 -1.83 0.116 3.387 5.857 7.113 7.473 7.295 6.913
-2.805 -2.614 -2.1 -1.133 0.284 2.73 6.218 8.266 9.029 9.049 8.761 8.324
-1.739 -1.385 -0.598 0.73 2.524 5.302 8.582 10.092 10.499 10.337 9.998 9.541
-0.741 -0.214 0.86 2.55 4.661 7.573 10.431 11.493 11.679 11.415 11.048 10.583
0.165 0.873 2.242 4.277 6.628 9.502 11.879 12.607 12.65 12.32 11.935 11.469
1.015 1.91 3.578 5.923 8.414 11.113 13.032 13.522 13.47 13.097 12.704 12.244
1.808 2.895 4.86 7.465 9.999 12.445 13.969 14.289 14.17 13.765 13.367 12.916
-5.352 -5.558 -5.723 -5.748 -5.611 -5.207 -4.355 -3.437 -2.496 -1.287 -0.419 0.253
-4.701 -4.807 -4.81 -4.61 -4.192 -3.322 -1.679 -0.016 1.459 2.786 3.293 3.366
-3.971 -3.971 -3.795 -3.345 -2.612 -1.232 1.147 3.225 4.664 5.509 5.606 5.387
-3.159 -3.038 -2.661 -1.929 -0.85 1.037 3.93 5.999 7.089 7.475 7.353 7.015
-2.278 -2.023 -1.421 -0.377 1.061 3.385 6.467 8.235 8.945 9.03 8.795 8.399
-1.357 -0.951 -0.097 1.28 3.061 5.684 8.635 9.995 10.403 10.302 10.006 9.582
-0.368 0.203 1.326 3.035 5.096 7.828 10.428 11.407 11.605 11.389 11.056 10.62
0.688 1.432 2.826 4.827 7.061 9.709 11.872 12.558 12.62 12.335 11.982 11.545
1.772 2.698 4.36 6.601 8.897 11.324 13.057 13.524 13.495 13.168 12.808 12.378
2.82 3.923 5.824 8.222 10.47 12.607 13.976 14.29 14.202 13.852 13.497 13.081
-2.675 -2.683 -2.614 -2.421 -2.079 -1.326 0.407 2.467 4.154 5.132 5.209 4.959
-2.016 -1.946 -1.747 -1.365 -0.771 0.42 2.748 4.81 5.961 6.327 6.186 5.842
-1.12 -0.961 -0.618 -0.038 0.8 2.332 4.807 6.445 7.113 7.185 6.964 6.587
-1.903 -1.864 -1.734 -1.478 -1.083 -0.3 1.286 2.948 4.215 4.961 5.039 4.85
-0.962 -0.851 -0.612 -0.208 0.371 1.44 3.334 4.913 5.817 6.155 6.065 5.793
0.02 0.203 0.555 1.104 1.848 3.122 5.059 6.35 6.93 7.039 6.872 6.56
1.04 1.3 1.763 2.445 3.314 4.67 6.416 7.371 7.728 7.717 7.515 7.191
1.968 2.301 2.868 3.661 4.609 5.945 7.419 8.111 8.332 8.256 8.035 7.707
2.776 3.178 3.841 4.725 5.709 6.961 8.163 8.667 8.803 8.684 8.453 8.126
3.495 3.962 4.71 5.656 6.635 7.76 8.723 9.098 9.178 9.034 8.798 8.477
4.135 4.662 5.48 6.461 7.402 8.386 9.156 9.44 9.483 9.319 9.082 8.769
-2.517 -2.588 -2.644 -2.657 -2.619 -2.479 -2.085 -1.508 -0.791 0.202 0.913 1.449
-1.767 -1.768 -1.719 -1.595 -1.389 -0.968 -0.071 1.01 2.092 3.135 3.547 3.612
-1.009 -0.943 -0.791 -0.53 -0.154 0.544 1.868 3.2 4.239 4.921 5.03 4.879
-0.212 -0.078 0.178 0.577 1.118 2.063 3.647 4.953 5.752 6.113 6.066 5.828
0.619 0.82 1.181 1.715 2.405 3.53 5.173 6.283 6.836 6.993 6.866 6.587
1.466 1.736 2.199 2.855 3.663 4.877 6.407 7.271 7.634 7.668 7.498 7.2
2.322 2.655 3.208 3.961 4.837 6.041 7.36 8.007 8.242 8.201 8.006 7.7
3.166 3.552 4.173 4.983 5.868 6.983 8.07 8.557 8.71 8.626 8.419 8.114
3.979 4.408 5.076 5.904 6.753 7.733 8.609 8.98 9.082 8.972 8.762 8.463
4.708 5.166 5.855 6.667 7.445 8.281 8.986 9.278 9.349 9.228 9.022 8.736


Reads in other parts of the first guess-apriori. Other parts are read in from totoz_press.dat.:

READ (18,*) (PRES(I),I=1,61)
READ (18,*) ((TABFG(I,J),I=1,61),J=1,21)

A partial listing of the default file contents are:

~     1013.2      852.04      716.48      602.48      506.62      426.02
~     358.24      301.24      253.31      213.01      179.12      150.62
~     126.66      106.50      89.559      75.310      63.328      53.252
~     44.780      37.655      31.664      26.626      22.390      18.828
~     15.832      13.313      11.195      9.4138      7.9160      6.6565
~     5.5975      4.7069      3.9580      3.3283      2.7987      2.3534
~     1.9790      1.6641      1.3994      1.1767     0.98950     0.83207
~    0.69968     0.58836     0.49475     0.41603     0.34984     0.29418
~    0.24738     0.20802     0.17492     0.14709     0.12369     0.10401
~   0.087460    0.073545    0.061844    0.052004    0.043730    0.036773
~   0.030922
~     4.3647      3.9432      3.5449      3.1473      2.7462      2.3915
~     2.0778      1.7844      1.5077      1.2893      1.1285      1.0143
~    0.97342      1.1411      1.5573      2.2382      3.2721      4.9356
~     7.2844      10.258      13.420      15.575      16.665      16.941
~     16.511      15.272      13.550      11.666      9.8032      8.0367
~     6.4560      5.1041      3.9723      3.0207      2.2521      1.6549
~     1.2054     0.87929     0.64340     0.47191     0.34660     0.25443
~    0.18662     0.13680     0.10025    0.073471    0.053857    0.039486
~   0.028952    0.021227    0.015563    0.011410   0.0083645   0.0061321
~  0.0044956   0.0032959   0.0024163   0.0017715   0.0012988  0.00095216
~  0.0026158
~     4.3535      3.9405      3.5492      3.1569      2.7588      2.4003
~     2.0763      1.7647      1.4789      1.3263      1.3270      1.4778
~     1.8450      2.6837      4.0771      6.0542      8.5477      11.232
~     14.026      16.874      19.343      20.287      19.912      18.708
~     17.048      15.185      13.293      11.475      9.7472      8.0487
~     6.4823      5.1217      3.9769      3.0196      2.2500      1.6535
~     1.2051     0.87937     0.64355     0.47200     0.34662     0.25442
~    0.18661     0.13679     0.10025    0.073471    0.053858    0.039486
~   0.028952    0.021227    0.015563    0.011409   0.0083644   0.0061321
~  0.0044956   0.0032959   0.0024164   0.0017715   0.0012988  0.00095216
~  0.0026158


Files called stdjacmsc.dat are MS correction Jacobian (12x61) + ozone profile (1x61). Each block of 13 lines is for one of 21 standard profiles (3 of low latitudes, 8 of middle latitudes, and 10 of high latitudes sets). They are used to correct MS tables for change in ozone profile dMSC=dN/dx*(X_new-X_std):

do k=1,21
do j=1,13
READ (19,*) (TABJMS(I,J,K),I=1,61)
end do
end do

A sample of the default file listing:

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.00011697 -2.225e-05 5.013e-05 3.243e-05 -4.83e-06 -7.352e-05 -0.00010188 -1.9e-05 0.00013726 0.00040955 0.00067989 0.0008449 0.00104032 0.00125291 0.00168892 0.00253026 0.00364862 0.00511768 0.00738095 0.01070462 0.0147633 0.01949904 0.027245 0.03798057 0.04771693 0.05554426 0.06974235 0.08389117 0.08231604 0.07137209 0.06746385 0.06425499 0.05731055 0.04917028 0.04199158 0.04018306 0.04641747 0.05670145 0.07575522 0.10749708 0.14960513 0.20026342 0.22991957 0.22824828 0.22058839 0.20227923 0.17364256 0.13534873
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.00011435 -1.164e-05 6.768e-05 5.17e-05 1.508e-05 -5.504e-05 -8.145e-05 1.203e-05 0.00018384 0.00047897 0.00078874 0.0010213 0.00131984 0.00168412 0.00235312 0.0035398 0.00512065 0.00720081 0.01041832 0.01515741 0.02095212 0.02772094 0.03791418 0.05128821 0.06319019 0.07255483 0.08849243 0.10352095 0.09997614 0.08579856 0.07909156 0.0735735 0.0647858 0.05513758 0.04682689 0.04461842 0.05136291 0.06256388 0.08230812 0.11433998 0.15673336 0.20743364 0.23620975 0.23245775 0.22195883 0.19993265 0.16670506 0.12287987
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.00010617 9.57e-06 0.00010037 8.792e-05 5.301e-05 -1.897e-05 -4.137e-05 7.083e-05 0.00026963 0.00060375 0.0009883 0.00135984 0.00187382 0.00255939 0.00373105 0.00567411 0.0082772 0.01171723 0.01701432 0.02478353 0.03428795 0.0453947 0.06061748 0.07919036 0.09526341 0.10749382 0.12577539 0.14089422 0.13255574 0.11178304 0.09919754 0.08893794 0.07668746 0.06438707 0.05412566 0.0511285 0.05844244 0.0707697 0.09111583 0.12287292 0.16474132 0.21432349 0.24130312 0.23500972 0.22110518 0.1947155 0.1561679 0.10597651
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -9.159e-05 4.58e-05 0.00015534 0.00014769 0.00011376 3.557e-05 1.642e-05 0.00015709 0.00039731 0.0007918 0.00130249 0.00192121 0.00282391 0.00409646 0.00621096 0.00960477 0.01418808 0.02028183 0.02954832 0.04298825 0.05942163 0.07861742 0.10285079 0.13029327 0.15328221 0.17006139 0.19047948 0.20295546 0.18481728 0.15231991 0.1292668 0.11078577 0.09294058 0.07660624 0.06344326 0.0591288 0.06683311 0.0801654 0.10077183 0.13156159 0.17194384 0.21912304 0.24363168 0.23508574 0.21821496 0.18810668 0.14508625 0.0895813
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -7.353e-05 9.707e-05 0.00023448 0.00023135 0.00019466 0.00010061 7.961e-05 0.00025789 0.00055457 0.0010335 0.00173823 0.00275641 0.00429715 0.00654578 0.01026486 0.01617354 0.0242189 0.03498117 0.05107387 0.07406351 0.10213571 0.1348895 0.17358085 0.21444517 0.2475094 0.27050872 0.29157533 0.29625757 0.26087041 0.2096889 0.17019747 0.13914209 0.1131722 0.09126413 0.07419776 0.06796351 0.07568551 0.08962117 0.11002974 0.13929934 0.17744647 0.22127423 0.24301521 0.232901 0.21401859 0.18147382 0.13558758 0.07672007
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5.091e-05 0.00019616 0.00039482 0.00039197 0.00033438 0.00018299 0.00013548 0.00038127 0.0007869 0.00143801 0.00256511 0.00447701 0.00746532 0.01195406 0.01944039 0.03135861 0.04773823 0.06979916 0.10190212 0.14662802 0.20106025 0.26439144 0.33380957 0.40073404 0.45205098 0.48490074 0.501268 0.48238732 0.40731099 0.31663779 0.2433433 0.18720975 0.14576099 0.11373656 0.08985118 0.08005568 0.08697203 0.1007168 0.11997058 0.14647842 0.1806815 0.21891447 0.23679068 0.22579311 0.20591823 0.17240158 0.12555321 0.06567644
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3.826e-05 0.00037684 0.00070291 0.00067678 0.00053785 0.00020822 5.623e-05 0.00043226 0.00107276 0.00212285 0.0042598 0.00832764 0.01484891 0.02485591 0.04175412 0.06884145 0.1063597 0.15717651 0.22747101 0.32068985 0.43305958 0.56273496 0.69225423 0.80104325 0.87590283 0.91475084 0.90533903 0.82418442 0.66370868 0.49525541 0.35837095 0.25707016 0.18917076 0.1408952 0.10678121 0.09133353 0.09542671 0.10645514 0.12229897 0.14421459 0.17210042 0.20205024 0.2153413 0.20556239 0.18777527 0.15764624 0.11545779 0.061495
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -4.018e-05 0.00052128 0.00095643 0.00090344 0.00068427 0.00018598 -4.039e-05 0.00053227 0.00152432 0.00316851 0.00658894 0.01318278 0.02379659 0.04013808 0.06753913 0.11117768 0.17158813 0.25337974 0.35922698 0.48987713 0.64447618 0.82000263 0.98204314 1.09970014 1.16731412 1.18663567 1.14063743 1.00642402 0.78733769 0.57191804 0.39968319 0.27536143 0.19545983 0.14094144 0.1037828 0.08630868 0.08761998 0.09490925 0.10723219 0.12602997 0.14990906 0.17543059 0.18729441 0.18033816 0.1668692 0.14311235 0.10931684 0.06579531
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.279e-05 0.0006113 0.00108993 0.00108193 0.00092268 0.0005043 0.00045459 0.00138564 0.00292987 0.00541715 0.01017555 0.018885 0.03270358 0.05372686 0.08743212 0.13913234 0.20981396 0.30464738 0.41745827 0.54284385 0.68601103 0.84327699 0.97927383 1.0644218 1.09799187 1.08585733 1.02192575 0.88811493 0.68465697 0.49030538 0.33782055 0.22955061 0.16084181 0.11457109 0.08361879 0.06910015 0.06968014 0.0749404 0.0856161 0.10356665 0.12665409 0.15223053 0.16527836 0.16069402 0.15081654 0.13230856 0.10539359 0.07041234
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00014947 0.00069635 0.00118733 0.00135293 0.00148067 0.00152234 0.00203565 0.00358868 0.00599601 0.0096885 0.01611542 0.02713827 0.04418629 0.06955979 0.10583272 0.15550698 0.22080266 0.30583287 0.39677747 0.48286943 0.5732896 0.664323 0.74012464 0.78341198 0.78662002 0.75689011 0.70096095 0.60652528 0.46556683 0.33199263 0.22979182 0.15814816 0.11214857 0.08079408 0.05993599 0.050654 0.05228888 0.05762704 0.06838298 0.08665162 0.11046614 0.13784227 0.15264141 0.14929735 0.14132476 0.12563805 0.10244568 0.07209945
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00025343 0.0007692 0.00128397 0.00160584 0.0019907 0.00244323 0.0034287 0.00544319 0.00846185 0.01296992 0.02063545 0.03358293 0.05337509 0.08252845 0.12010257 0.16523567 0.22169201 0.29227108 0.36465325 0.42880101 0.49123591 0.54844653 0.59775222 0.62910659 0.62790357 0.6003734 0.55412542 0.479359 0.36786847 0.26226381 0.18327465 0.12843245 0.09259061 0.0677206 0.05115473 0.04419098 0.04662518 0.05251712 0.06364175 0.08208062 0.10620824 0.13422567 0.14955143 0.14643959 0.138841 0.12373188 0.10131685 0.07194747
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00036571 0.00089427 0.0014676 0.00194448 0.00257265 0.00340084 0.00484904 0.00738677 0.01111962 0.01660932 0.02562231 0.04042561 0.06277818 0.09533673 0.13360586 0.17330316 0.21960762 0.27388639 0.33098306 0.38533394 0.43665792 0.48174267 0.52226453 0.55086684 0.55108621 0.52821118 0.48782392 0.42145628 0.32301639 0.22999289 0.16201553 0.11533134 0.08430823 0.06243038 0.04775442 0.04180722 0.04467981 0.05095191 0.06228647 0.08070782 0.10483448 0.13291827 0.1483257 0.14528671 0.13781156 0.12290109 0.10075835 0.07173397
0.0026 0.001 0.0013 0.0018 0.0024 0.0033 0.0045 0.0061 0.0084 0.0114 0.0156 0.0212 0.029 0.0395 0.0539 0.0735 0.1003 0.1368 0.1866 0.2544 0.3466 0.4719 0.6434 0.8793 1.2054 1.6549 2.2521 3.0207 3.9723 5.1041 6.456 8.0367 9.8032 11.666 13.55 15.272 16.511 16.941 16.665 15.575 13.42 10.258 7.2844 4.9356 3.2721 2.2382 1.5573 1.1411 0.9734 1.0143 1.1285 1.2893 1.5077 1.7844 2.0778 2.3915 2.7462 3.1473 3.5449 3.9432 4.3647


Reads in the NRL temperature/altitude climatology for monthly mean and zonal averaged profiles:

do jj=1,5
end do
do i=1,12
do j=1,45
READ(15, 9796) (TNRL(i,j,k),k=1,10)
end do
do jj=1,15
end do
do j=1,45
READ(15, 9796) (TNRL(i,j,k),k=10,19)
end do
do jj=1,15
end do
end do

The default (partial) file contents:

                           Temperature (K) FOR  J A N U A R Y

          -90    -80    -70    -60    -50    -40    -30    -20    -10    0

 0. KM  268.80 268.80 272.00 275.20 281.40 289.50 295.90 298.90 300.50 300.60
 1. KM  262.90 263.20 266.30 269.80 276.30 284.40 290.60 293.50 294.90 295.00
 2. KM  256.90 257.60 260.70 264.40 271.20 279.20 285.30 288.10 289.20 289.30
 3. KM  251.00 252.00 255.00 259.10 266.00 274.10 280.00 282.70 283.60 283.70
 4. KM  245.00 246.40 249.40 253.70 260.90 268.90 274.70 277.30 277.90 278.00
 5. KM  240.80 242.20 244.70 248.60 255.40 263.00 268.60 271.20 271.80 271.90
 6. KM  236.50 238.00 240.10 243.60 249.80 257.00 262.50 265.20 265.60 265.80
 7. KM  233.90 235.20 236.40 238.90 243.80 250.20 255.60 258.50 259.00 259.10
 8. KM  231.40 232.50 232.80 234.20 237.90 243.40 248.80 251.70 252.30 252.50
 9. KM  228.80 229.70 229.10 229.50 231.90 236.60 241.90 245.00 245.70 245.80
10. KM  226.20 226.90 225.50 224.80 225.90 229.80 235.00 238.30 239.00 239.20
11. KM  228.00 228.00 226.70 225.30 224.80 226.30 229.20 231.00 231.20 231.20
12. KM  229.80 229.10 227.80 225.80 223.70 222.80 223.40 223.80 223.30 223.20
13. KM  231.70 230.30 229.00 226.30 222.50 219.30 217.60 216.50 215.50 215.30
14. KM  233.50 231.40 230.10 226.80 221.40 215.80 211.80 209.30 207.60 207.30
15. KM  234.50 232.20 230.90 227.30 221.10 214.40 209.30 206.20 204.30 203.80
16. KM  235.60 232.90 231.70 227.80 220.80 212.90 206.80 203.10 200.90 200.30
17. KM  235.90 233.30 232.10 228.20 221.30 213.60 207.70 204.20 202.00 201.30
18. KM  236.20 233.80 232.40 228.70 221.80 214.20 208.50 205.20 203.10 202.30
19. KM  236.50 234.20 232.80 229.10 222.30 214.90 209.40 206.30 204.20 203.30
20. KM  236.80 234.60 233.20 229.60 222.80 215.50 210.20 207.40 205.30 204.30
21. KM  236.40 234.80 233.30 230.20 224.00 217.50 212.60 209.80 207.90 206.90
22. KM  236.10 235.00 233.40 230.80 225.30 219.50 215.00 212.10 210.40 209.60


File coef_dobacdh.dat and coef_dobacdl.dat are part of Bass and Paur tables for wavelengths within band-passes for A, C, D pairs. There are 3 blocks in high and low wavelengths data (3x161 and 3x61 respectively). The line format is as following:

  • wavelength *10 (nm),
  • quadrature weights (from 0 to 1),
  • ET solar flux (W/m2/sec),
  • alfa0, alfa1, alfa2, beta, de-polarization coefficient

where ozone absorption coefficient = alfa0 + alfa1*Temp + alfa2*Temp*Temp, beta is Rayleigh extinction coefficient:

read(97,*)alamw(ii),sfw(ii),etfw(ii),alfaw(ii),acoftw(ii), acoftsw(ii),betaw(ii),rhow(ii)

The ozone absorption and Rayleigh scattering coefficients at three wavelength pairs are as following:

A_short (305.5), A_long (325.0), C_short (311.5), C_long (332.4), D_short (317.6),
D_long (339.8)
DATA ALFA/4.7815,3.1154E-1,2.1960,0.1151,0.9764,3.6910E-2/
DATA ACOFT/1.0329E-2,1.4906E-3,5.6383E-3,6.8329E-4,3.0454E-3, 3.4829E-4/
DATA ACOFTS/4.2446E-5,7.1465E-6,2.9501E-5,3.8094E-6,1.8284E-5, 2.4727E-6/
DATA BETA/1.1260,0.8635,1.0362,0.7845,0.9532,0.7138/

where ALFA, ACOFT, and ACOFTS are coefficients of the second-degree polynomial fit of the spectral ozone absorption sensitivity to the atmospheric temperature variability. The BETA is a spectral Rayleigh scattering coefficient:

3100 0 333.5 2.54953 0.00733053 3.90155e-05 1.05657 0.0317
3100.5 1.3349e-05 353.7 2.55553 0.0066201 2.59283e-05 1.05584 0.0317
3101 6.4592e-05 401.7 2.56761 0.00646565 1.82683e-05 1.0551 0.0316999
3101.5 0.00031621 485.9 2.55577 0.00681103 2.96886e-05 1.05437 0.0317003
3102 0.00062329 630.3 2.55079 0.00694726 3.3735e-05 1.05363 0.0316988
3102.5 0.002461 765.3 2.57248 0.00626325 2.33382e-05 1.05292 0.0316915
3103 0.0063572 836.3 2.56446 0.00637606 2.78425e-05 1.05219 0.0316896
3103.5 0.019658 854.1 2.55744 0.00607143 2.86083e-05 1.05146 0.031687
3104 0.033803 835.8 2.54426 0.00599961 2.47855e-05 1.05074 0.0316845
3104.5 0.05489 799.6 2.48776 0.00658954 4.55863e-05 1.05002 0.031682
3105 0.083089 826.4 2.47053 0.00614139 3.18891e-05 1.04929 0.0316795
3105.5 0.11215 853.2 2.41804 0.00635868 3.73642e-05 1.04856 0.031677
3106 0.14424 875.6 2.40661 0.00576522 3.18212e-05 1.04783 0.0316745
3106.5 0.18068 903.4 2.39471 0.00616479 3.36459e-05 1.04712 0.031672
3107 0.21752 949.2 2.39477 0.00610013 3.02921e-05 1.0464 0.0316695
3107.5 0.27119 997 2.38188 0.00676014 4.09752e-05 1.04568 0.031667
3108 0.325 986.8 2.38129 0.00645609 3.63824e-05 1.04495 0.0316645
3108.5 0.38669 931.2 2.36099 0.0059979 3.17047e-05 1.04422 0.031662
3109 0.45043 857.9 2.34251 0.00627333 3.47036e-05 1.04351 0.0316595
3109.5 0.518 823.4 2.32952 0.0061882 2.8707e-05 1.0428 0.031657
3110 0.57107 849.8 2.31182 0.00621957 3.58183e-05 1.04208 0.0316545
3110.5 0.65117 879.5 2.31582 0.00562162 1.83472e-05 1.04136 0.031652
3111 0.70443 925.9 2.30239 0.00592345 2.54244e-05 1.04064 0.0316495
3111.5 0.76987 977.6 2.29213 0.00606305 3.16905e-05 1.03992 0.031647
3112 0.83886 968.9 2.28738 0.00614698 2.92759e-05 1.03921 0.0316445
3112.5 0.89914 890.8 2.3105 0.0053002 1.42947e-05 1.03849 0.031642
3113 0.94485 832.9 2.2959 0.00557316 2.51151e-05 1.03778 0.0316395
3113.5 0.98244 844.5 2.29963 0.00585386 3.14654e-05 1.03706 0.031637
3114 0.99343 890.3 2.30312 0.00552053 2.56023e-05 1.03634 0.0316345
3114.5 0.99652 930.1 2.30287 0.00557587 3.35614e-05 1.03563 0.031632
3115 0.98644 891.9 2.27825 0.00509052 2.93181e-05 1.03492 0.0316295
3115.5 0.95083 825.6 2.25285 0.00498926 2.54801e-05 1.03421 0.031627
3116 0.91463 754.7 2.23232 0.00538664 3.34066e-05 1.03349 0.0316245
3116.5 0.84874 715.2 2.20094 0.00513887 2.83144e-05 1.03279 0.031622
3117 0.78494 704.6 2.16138 0.00520446 2.89289e-05 1.03207 0.0316195
3117.5 0.73513 699.6 2.12736 0.00592644 3.79867e-05 1.03137 0.031617
3118 0.68428 691.4 2.08802 0.00553673 3.66859e-05 1.03065 0.0316145
3118.5 0.62612 657.1 2.07742 0.00585822 3.31559e-05 1.02995 0.031612
3119 0.57901 651.1 2.05508 0.00566154 2.58984e-05 1.02924 0.0316096
3119.5 0.52452 663.1 2.02384 0.00587139 2.8802e-05 1.02853 0.031607
3120 0.47456 662.5 1.98556 0.00608487 3.67603e-05 1.02783 0.0316045
3120.5 0.42078 652.7 1.97529 0.00559894 2.93649e-05 1.02711 0.031602
3121 0.36082 651.5 1.95722 0.00562278 2.55255e-05 1.02641 0.0315995
3121.5 0.31938 707.6 1.94067 0.00595102 3.13165e-05 1.02571 0.031597
3122 0.25569 766.2 1.92368 0.00572124 3.15917e-05 1.025 0.0315945
3122.5 0.19734 838.7 1.91452 0.00515281 2.0071e-05 1.0243 0.031592
3123 0.15553 881.5 1.89113 0.00551116 3.28339e-05 1.0236 0.0315895
3123.5 0.11727 814.6 1.87701 0.00542812 3.03741e-05 1.02289 0.0315871
3124 0.080344 728.7 1.86317 0.00554423 3.10073e-05 1.02219 0.0315845
3124.5 0.064955 678 1.83571 0.00563416 3.2124e-05 1.02149 0.031582
3125 0.044418 678.3 1.81505 0.00558078 2.89767e-05 1.02079 0.0315795
3125.5 0.030995 729.9 1.78523 0.00594756 3.64571e-05 1.02009 0.0315771
3126 0.02283 776.3 1.76935 0.00570271 3.4625e-05 1.01939 0.0315746
3126.5 0.014522 798.4 1.77117 0.00520717 2.21895e-05 1.01869 0.0315721
3127 0.0080914 785.5 1.7638 0.00552626 2.60438e-05 1.01799 0.0315695
3127.5 0.0040933 767.6 1.74483 0.00534872 2.46873e-05 1.01729 0.031567
3128 0.0012785 790.4 1.7321 0.00550841 2.98786e-05 1.0166 0.0315645
3128.5 0.00062804 808.6 1.71683 0.00528273 2.82694e-05 1.0159 0.031562
3129 0.00010066 783 1.71587 0.00548721 2.66073e-05 1.0152 0.0315596
3129.5 5.4924e-05 754 1.72143 0.00495199 2.25127e-05 1.0145 0.031557
3130 0 759.6 1.70291 0.00521254 2.59546e-05 1.01382 0.0315545


See coef_dobcl.dat for a description of the file contents:

read(98,*)alamw(i),sfw(i),etfw(i),alfaw(i),acoftw(i), acoftsw(i),betaw(i),rhow(i)

The contents of the default file:

3290 0 1118 0.148968 0.00115126 3.72487e-06 0.819191 0.0306657
3290.5 0.0089819 1086 0.145731 0.00122118 4.43796e-06 0.818661 0.0306627
3291 0.011956 1101 0.139811 0.00124616 5.25976e-06 0.81813 0.0306597
3291.5 0.018126 1143 0.134737 0.00117307 4.26382e-06 0.8176 0.0306567
3292 0.025195 1184 0.129985 0.00123491 5.14218e-06 0.81707 0.0306537
3292.5 0.025083 1248 0.125366 0.00118222 4.73429e-06 0.816542 0.0306507
3293 0.031268 1236 0.121926 0.00117392 5.18151e-06 0.816013 0.0306477
3293.5 0.041967 1166 0.118108 0.00108301 4.39264e-06 0.815485 0.0306447
3294 0.047918 1140 0.115192 0.00113437 5.4088e-06 0.814957 0.0306417
3294.5 0.052979 1155 0.113274 0.00107172 4.54336e-06 0.81443 0.0306387
3295 0.063243 1186 0.11044 0.00100717 4.59676e-06 0.813903 0.0306357
3295.5 0.074294 1222 0.109572 0.00103206 5.01293e-06 0.813376 0.0306327
3296 0.092862 1219 0.111288 0.000969482 4.53497e-06 0.81285 0.0306297
3296.5 0.098993 1161 0.1123 0.000963049 4.70574e-06 0.812325 0.0306267
3297 0.1097 1142 0.110383 0.000972578 5.3365e-06 0.8118 0.0306237
3297.5 0.11868 1134 0.111313 0.00093189 4.52703e-06 0.811275 0.0306207
3298 0.13938 1234 0.109829 0.000914115 3.98463e-06 0.81075 0.0306177
3298.5 0.15393 1313 0.107803 0.000866916 3.76938e-06 0.810226 0.0306147
3299 0.17392 1373 0.108001 0.000871092 3.37604e-06 0.809702 0.0306117
3299.5 0.18962 1357 0.104201 0.000880652 4.30409e-06 0.809179 0.0306087
3300 0.22272 1319 0.104041 0.000823021 3.29409e-06 0.808656 0.0306057
3300.5 0.24065 1143 0.104962 0.000847647 4.08735e-06 0.808133 0.0306027
3301 0.26567 1032 0.107658 0.000854417 5.32945e-06 0.807612 0.0305998
3301.5 0.28709 997 0.111911 0.000871334 5.93243e-06 0.80709 0.0305962
3302 0.32352 1046 0.123426 0.000792574 6.46653e-06 0.806571 0.0305957
3302.5 0.34461 1092 0.147232 0.000671381 7.0822e-06 0.806057 0.0306006
3303 0.37721 1085 0.167367 0.000590955 5.91569e-06 0.80554 0.0305998
3303.5 0.40876 1020 0.174532 0.000681217 6.90953e-06 0.805023 0.0306
3304 0.43194 896.3 0.17956 0.0006449 6.11543e-06 0.804506 0.0306
3304.5 0.46383 789 0.18054 0.000681728 5.50913e-06 0.803989 0.0306
3305 0.49206 783.3 0.178913 0.000708639 4.5216e-06 0.803474 0.0306
3305.5 0.51974 825 0.177288 0.000757571 4.45449e-06 0.802959 0.0306
3306 0.54947 892 0.173745 0.000779351 4.75081e-06 0.802444 0.0306
3306.5 0.57024 977 0.170324 0.000711924 2.41205e-06 0.801929 0.0306
3307 0.60147 1045 0.165277 0.000765053 3.00316e-06 0.801414 0.0306
3307.5 0.61951 1077 0.157336 0.000827562 4.73549e-06 0.800901 0.0306
3308 0.65108 1085 0.155753 0.000763641 3.56159e-06 0.800387 0.0306
3308.5 0.67463 1068 0.155135 0.000793736 4.43211e-06 0.799874 0.0306
3309 0.70159 1051 0.153079 0.000791022 5.95481e-06 0.799361 0.0306
3309.5 0.72355 1081 0.167116 0.000685337 5.73891e-06 0.79885 0.0306
3310 0.75234 1086 0.190786 0.000535755 5.61639e-06 0.798338 0.0306
3310.5 0.76499 1053 0.203374 0.000431168 3.97494e-06 0.797826 0.0306
3311 0.80143 1005 0.214504 0.000536559 3.62035e-06 0.797315 0.0306
3311.5 0.82421 1005 0.213993 0.000543835 4.05489e-06 0.796805 0.0306
3312 0.83887 969.1 0.208221 0.000647466 5.26936e-06 0.796295 0.0306
3312.5 0.86467 929 0.203149 0.000727216 4.32153e-06 0.795785 0.0306
3313 0.87142 880.1 0.198639 0.000687987 2.95543e-06 0.795275 0.0306
3313.5 0.8899 888.9 0.191048 0.000738207 4.41288e-06 0.794766 0.0306
3314 0.90137 953.3 0.181531 0.000719409 3.49358e-06 0.794258 0.0306
3314.5 0.91531 1011 0.174102 0.000769348 2.65975e-06 0.79375 0.0306
3315 0.9266 1048 0.164294 0.000701016 1.63936e-06 0.793242 0.0306
3315.5 0.94413 1068 0.153474 0.000761227 2.86224e-06 0.792735 0.0306
3316 0.95296 1091 0.150096 0.000789404 2.47586e-06 0.792228 0.0306
3316.5 0.95824 1106 0.143815 0.000817729 3.09667e-06 0.791721 0.0306
3317 0.96876 1106 0.136053 0.000868951 3.51687e-06 0.791215 0.0306
3317.5 0.97393 1098 0.130076 0.000825736 2.36022e-06 0.790709 0.0306
3318 0.97894 1060 0.122818 0.000904433 4.05149e-06 0.790204 0.0306
3318.5 0.9826 1047 0.119127 0.000840985 3.21058e-06 0.789699 0.0306
3319 0.98873 1037 0.113002 0.000903958 4.19565e-06 0.789195 0.0306
3319.5 0.99387 1052 0.106563 0.000843845 3.62653e-06 0.78869 0.0306
3320 0.99093 1063 0.10211 0.000828093 3.39055e-06 0.788186 0.0306
3320.5 0.9951 993.2 0.0973079 0.000764136 2.75188e-06 0.787683 0.0306
3321 0.99799 890.1 0.0934666 0.000770346 3.23681e-06 0.78718 0.0306
3321.5 0.99894 829.8 0.0888475 0.000794472 3.65207e-06 0.786677 0.0306
3322 0.99905 817.2 0.084646 0.000721476 2.97108e-06 0.786175 0.0306
3322.5 0.9999 865.3 0.0809188 0.000735299 3.16806e-06 0.785674 0.0306
3323 0.99999 942.7 0.0791909 0.000739773 3.38e-06 0.785173 0.0306
3323.5 0.99999 1053 0.0768534 0.000715342 2.99713e-06 0.784671 0.0306
3324 0.99999 1131 0.0731509 0.000740777 3.54564e-06 0.784171 0.0306
3324.5 0.99999 1173 0.0709161 0.000735777 3.70061e-06 0.78367 0.0306
3325 0.99999 1119 0.0680251 0.000771438 4.60521e-06 0.783171 0.0306
3325.5 0.99999 1034 0.0679931 0.00069333 3.37336e-06 0.782671 0.0306
3326 0.99899 1019 0.067997 0.000644132 2.31771e-06 0.782172 0.0306
3326.5 0.99793 1018 0.0657347 0.000634961 2.98188e-06 0.781674 0.0306
3327 0.996 999.1 0.0654544 0.000649083 3.31403e-06 0.781176 0.0306
3327.5 0.995 890.9 0.0639234 0.000651371 3.99599e-06 0.780678 0.0306
3328 0.99399 865.3 0.0649263 0.000662007 4.4706e-06 0.78018 0.0306
3328.5 0.99381 897.9 0.0672188 0.000634545 4.15629e-06 0.779683 0.0306
3329 0.98774 1008 0.0696855 0.000595748 3.92621e-06 0.779186 0.0306
3329.5 0.98212 1069 0.0701652 0.000588034 4.72249e-06 0.77869 0.0306
3330 0.97461 1042 0.0743221 0.000535572 3.30928e-06 0.778194 0.0306
3330.5 0.97063 1031 0.0753265 0.000585892 4.06953e-06 0.777699 0.0306
3331 0.96047 1061 0.0768126 0.000622576 4.3683e-06 0.777204 0.0306
3331.5 0.94961 1092 0.0796035 0.000652399 4.14225e-06 0.776709 0.0306
3332 0.94049 1056 0.082734 0.000700278 4.07086e-06 0.776215 0.0306
3332.5 0.92628 1028 0.0822802 0.000734302 4.34256e-06 0.775721 0.0306
3333 0.91394 985.4 0.0832793 0.00073656 4.06079e-06 0.775227 0.0306
3333.5 0.89118 911.4 0.0830485 0.000708567 3.80012e-06 0.774734 0.0306
3334 0.87176 824.7 0.0836202 0.000682044 3.81012e-06 0.774241 0.0306
3334.5 0.85737 755.9 0.0847846 0.000686881 4.43234e-06 0.773749 0.0306
3335 0.83924 742.3 0.090248 0.000643084 4.49294e-06 0.773257 0.0306
3335.5 0.82321 761.8 0.0993961 0.000599956 4.82954e-06 0.772766 0.0306
3336 0.81227 829.4 0.112502 0.000515515 4.97639e-06 0.772274 0.0306
3336.5 0.79104 928 0.129182 0.000379466 4.30957e-06 0.771783 0.0306
3337 0.76895 995.7 0.139669 0.000349655 4.13968e-06 0.771293 0.0306
3337.5 0.73962 1029 0.144912 0.000368833 3.36786e-06 0.770803 0.0306
3338 0.7089 1017 0.146258 0.000381721 2.84263e-06 0.770313 0.0306
3338.5 0.68395 995.5 0.144345 0.000512943 4.74955e-06 0.769823 0.0306
3339 0.67227 989 0.143369 0.000532323 4.02349e-06 0.769335 0.0306
3339.5 0.63845 1026 0.140875 0.000602729 3.85737e-06 0.768847 0.0306
3340 0.61434 971.9 0.135202 0.000588404 2.69554e-06 0.768359 0.0306
3340.5 0.58469 925.9 0.129508 0.00062401 3.16645e-06 0.767871 0.0306
3341 0.56159 933.8 0.123913 0.000670296 3.9224e-06 0.767383 0.0306
3341.5 0.54084 993.6 0.118976 0.000658918 3.08634e-06 0.766896 0.0306
3342 0.52263 1064 0.113022 0.000652872 2.77095e-06 0.766409 0.0306
3342.5 0.49832 1105 0.104612 0.000719137 4.31831e-06 0.765923 0.0306
3343 0.46867 1125 0.10066 0.000675957 3.23076e-06 0.765437 0.0306
3343.5 0.45097 1116 0.0947429 0.000649436 3.59204e-06 0.764952 0.0306
3344 0.42902 1132 0.0905252 0.000700555 4.16615e-06 0.764467 0.0306
3344.5 0.39675 1130 0.0870936 0.000649712 3.28541e-06 0.763982 0.0306
3345 0.38594 1109 0.0836413 0.000664112 3.35138e-06 0.763498 0.0306
3345.5 0.3495 1102 0.0804269 0.000601313 2.56243e-06 0.763014 0.0306
3346 0.333 1090 0.0785755 0.000646596 3.63e-06 0.76253 0.0306
3346.5 0.31274 1048 0.0768871 0.000623394 3.3083e-06 0.762047 0.0306
3347 0.29528 900.6 0.0735071 0.000609232 3.19998e-06 0.761564 0.0306
3347.5 0.27109 746.9 0.0719306 0.000618625 3.22613e-06 0.761081 0.0306
3348 0.25523 706.9 0.068934 0.000592716 2.91719e-06 0.7606 0.0306
3348.5 0.22912 774 0.0656105 0.000583078 2.92703e-06 0.760118 0.0306
3349 0.20357 930.9 0.0617745 0.000527786 2.62028e-06 0.759637 0.0306
3349.5 0.18742 1058 0.0589694 0.000527843 2.60512e-06 0.759156 0.0306
3350 0.17155 1102 0.0569271 0.000489986 1.80186e-06 0.758675 0.0306
3350.5 0.15124 1118 0.0526769 0.000492679 2.35321e-06 0.758195 0.0306
3351 0.14426 1135 0.0509259 0.000548721 2.9592e-06 0.757716 0.0306
3351.5 0.1179 1131 0.0478616 0.000552561 3.65273e-06 0.757236 0.0306
3352 0.10863 1090 0.045326 0.000517875 3.5098e-06 0.756757 0.0306
3352.5 0.090715 1052 0.0423357 0.000511358 3.72246e-06 0.756278 0.0306
3353 0.080345 1051 0.0428492 0.000539003 3.45314e-06 0.7558 0.0306
3353.5 0.054048 1099 0.0427362 0.000511549 3.00979e-06 0.755322 0.0306
3354 0.049622 1167 0.0410828 0.000510692 3.16144e-06 0.754844 0.0306
3354.5 0.037976 1190 0.0396968 0.000491528 3.02447e-06 0.754367 0.0306
3355 0.03015 1168 0.0397358 0.000515893 3.06437e-06 0.753891 0.0306
3355.5 0.023452 1159 0.0395488 0.000486664 2.64302e-06 0.753414 0.0306
3356 0.021907 1148 0.039466 0.000469109 2.51229e-06 0.752938 0.0306
3356.5 0.019985 1062 0.0387209 0.000456577 2.81083e-06 0.752463 0.0306
3357 0.014061 927.1 0.0392547 0.00047796 2.71116e-06 0.751987 0.0306
3357.5 0.0096556 749.9 0.03773 0.000432746 2.27277e-06 0.751512 0.0306
3358 0.0051252 657.3 0.037021 0.000428604 2.29629e-06 0.751037 0.0306
3358.5 0.0010488 578.1 0.0365808 0.000483707 3.29182e-06 0.750563 0.0306
3359 0.00092725 527 0.0349851 0.000443358 2.8718e-06 0.750089 0.0306
3359.5 0.0008039 454.2 0.0347458 0.000477934 3.36043e-06 0.749616 0.0306
3360 0 484.2 0.0366 0.000498067 3.41447e-06 0.749143 0.0306

Line 162 READ spectral parameters Lambda, slit function, ET flux, alfa0, alfat, alfatt, beta, rho


The file contains ozone in layer 0 for 21 standard profiles. This info is used when pressure interpolation is needed. Since TO is measured above pressure level of the station, the table helps to adjust measured TO to the sea level. Thus the appropriatestandard ozone profile (defined by its TO at the sea-level) can be chosen:

0.21000 0.26010 0.31010 0.21000 0.26000 0.30980 0.35990 0.41000 0.46000 0.51010 0.56000 0.11100 0.16090 0.21090 0.26090 0.31090 0.36090 0.41100 0.46090 0.51180 0.56060
0.21955 0.26965 0.31962 0.21959 0.26964 0.31946 0.36956 0.41965 0.46965 0.51976 0.56965 0.11979 0.16974 0.21978 0.26983 0.31987 0.36990 0.42006 0.47009 0.52117 0.57020
0.21655 0.26666 0.31660 0.21655 0.26664 0.31649 0.36658 0.41666 0.46666 0.51678 0.56667 0.11682 0.16682 0.21690 0.26698 0.31705 0.36711 0.41732 0.46746 0.51867 0.56789
0.21955 0.26965 0.31962 0.21959 0.26964 0.31946 0.36956 0.41965 0.46965 0.51976 0.56965 0.11979 0.16974 0.21978 0.26983 0.31987 0.36990 0.42006 0.47009 0.52117 0.57020

Unit 21 output

No documentation is available for Unit 21 output. The stream is captured by the Python interface but is normally discarded:

     WRITE(21,7000) (ID(I),I=3,6),LAM,KB,KE,ID(7),IOMEGA,(NINT(VNFG(K)*10),K=1,12),ISTN
7000 FORMAT (3I2,A1,I1,I2,I2,A2,3I4,10I5,I3)

Typical example output:

4 18813 312 0 325  -1  -1  720  861  997 1155 1307 1369 1380 1359 1329 1286 35
6 18813 312 0 320  -1  -1  710  850  984 1143 1297 1363 1375 1355 1324 1281 35
8 18813 312 0 374  -1  -1  825  975 1114 1265 1390 1430 1429 1402 1371 1329 35

Unit 22 output

No documentation is available for Unit 22 output. The stream is captured by the Python interface but is normally discarded:

8102 FORMAT (3I4,F8.1,13(F9.4))

Typical example output:

4   1  88   325.0   0.1007   0.3680   1.2047   3.9818  10.6847  20.8659  37.6171  65.8788  77.5109  51.0454  28.2281  12.0546   8.8256
6   1  88   320.0   0.1008   0.3679   1.2034   3.9749  10.6738  20.8871  37.6470  65.9162  77.8131  51.3859  28.6171  12.1146   8.8519
8   1  88   374.0   0.1009   0.3677   1.2019   3.9672  10.6619  20.9106  37.6831  65.9556  78.1083  51.7184  29.0027  12.1770   8.8808

Unit 25 output

Not much documentation is available for Unit 25 output. It calculates final residuals and includes VALNTC (temp corr.) in the final residuals. The stream is captured by the Python interface but is normally discarded:

WRITE(25,*) (ID(I),I=3,5),KB,KE, IOMEGA,SUMSOL,(FRES(K),K=1,12)

Typical example output:

4           1          88           3          12         325  0.32336464468496973        999.00000000000000        999.00000000000000        2.0107669931556647        2.1814199263560159        2.3289231309892586        2.2263359275628836        1.9383416131953006        1.8286000031088685        1.9175479548215182        2.1138862564538070        2.2122781882696119        2.1221549009795964
6           1          88           3          12         320  0.31900107061578059        999.00000000000000        999.00000000000000        2.1848051031917475        2.3645192422472339        2.4305738471585570        2.3468756479840320        2.0228075903652267        1.9805928697472368        2.2068642872409736        2.3664602788434785        2.3435984513831207        2.1537744979191316
8           1          88           3          12         374  0.37225417518614184        999.00000000000000        999.00000000000000        1.8390333291233165        2.0777565437695547        2.1241641380068232        2.0437291222080010        1.8566460817514805        1.6578984980024274        1.6633885713889591        1.9138975583869304        2.0743685353647936        2.1615856738746837

Unit 31 output

Not much documentation is available for Unit 31 output. It prints the final resuts for the UMNKEHR retrieval. The stream is captured by the Python interface but is normally discarded:


Typical example output:

9.9901642540140199E-007   4.6572775266426730E-007   6.8568734327694091E-007   1.0093942483204873E-006   1.4850198837177403E-006   2.1823949438118062E-006   3.2022374703123101E-006   4.6889826481492481E-006   6.8484206261268767E-006   9.9862507816399330E-006   1.4623198944484669E-005   2.1573469889926589E-005   3.2133974954923183E-005   4.8149938597124464E-005   7.0981398136888086E-005   1.0161609349904050E-004   1.3976798082110086E-004   1.8416975883736787E-004   2.3992586357417080E-004   3.1477615157332806E-004   4.2048741681605583E-004   5.7287650158718265E-004   7.7708786664933084E-004   1.0401943178003355E-003   1.3691079930426178E-003   1.7673299702025511E-003   2.2424979882553395E-003   2.7933801011147778E-003   3.4041436599326199E-003   4.0541163495444133E-003   4.7698566970405323E-003   5.5721523257513794E-003   6.4789623359302537E-003   7.5077257260783891E-003   8.6449275721651921E-003   9.8927245349220826E-003   1.1278409389329482E-002   1.2800980803753600E-002   1.4251573758843948E-002   1.5522412583230425E-002   1.6554271041187878E-002   1.7298994411809532E-002   1.7819618929465816E-002   1.7997674524102673E-002   1.7562035276381286E-002   1.6337793939598038E-002   1.4783496731397696E-002   1.3220984465270090E-002   1.1900630153193030E-002   1.0923961457285901E-002   9.8261708554191109E-003   8.5026388789406770E-003   7.0032936981655218E-003   5.4564610537117513E-003   4.2030884733680086E-003   3.3707684855425833E-003   2.9906840048707344E-003   3.0719552086446791E-003   3.6078524122612416E-003   4.5720518314112581E-003
1.0012626166538232E-006   4.6642555568488792E-007   6.8645576797466617E-007   1.0101020022089704E-006   1.4853630820591705E-006   2.1817401679801975E-006   3.1993398777057594E-006   4.6814871807979987E-006   6.8319911510137429E-006   9.9530231410044590E-006   1.4558748696904087E-005   2.1451185596095060E-005   3.1904433821925193E-005   4.7722864759647375E-005   7.0208444851644686E-005   1.0027079019451694E-004   1.3753821598588148E-004   1.8065787059565330E-004   2.3449774519552005E-004   3.0638523681132088E-004   4.0737284280778155E-004   5.5214236935411277E-004   7.4482111030954948E-004   9.9137103818480775E-004   1.2978677454893433E-003   1.6679795518231692E-003   2.1108258985889500E-003   2.6296613263182842E-003   3.2170467767573914E-003   3.8632237054198096E-003   4.6038125500766436E-003   5.4704786000371406E-003   6.4926299832013890E-003   7.6983021088530704E-003   9.0824005318148170E-003   1.0647848823755690E-002   1.2411362980952042E-002   1.4338594492845240E-002   1.6129530362702496E-002   1.7564548342885497E-002   1.8490265198669444E-002   1.8826103775225630E-002   1.8689032708453471E-002   1.8072890108228233E-002   1.6873310590810688E-002   1.5085196000406607E-002   1.3218428063591347E-002   1.1545561873742541E-002   1.0235142341415869E-002   9.3225798932468820E-003   8.3675537514805217E-003   7.2533594642760109E-003   5.9973159723309029E-003   4.6900696819071313E-003   3.6255709989530221E-003   2.9187919285133136E-003   2.6051785465995079E-003   2.7041911394597405E-003   3.2236321127721967E-003   4.1583825964681955E-003
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