Getting Started

To build your an instrument simulation you will need,

  1. An instance of class Instrument.
  2. An instance of class Platform.
  3. An instance of class ForwardModel.
  4. An instance of sasktran.Atmosphere

These components, once configured, can radiances at the front aperture of the instrument.

Step 1: Make the Instrument

To make the instrument we are going to derive an instrument class from Instrument. Within the constructor of the class we are goint to define 2 fields of view and 3 spectral point spread functions. We will then define 6 spectral windows using various combinations of the fields of view and spectral point spread functions:

import math
from skimpy import FOV_Rectangle, Wavelength_GaussianPSF, SpectralWindow, Instrument

#           TestInstrument

class TestInstrument( Instrument ):
    A test instrument class to demonstrate usage.

    def __init__(self ):

        super().__init__(  )

    #           configure_front_end_fields_of_view

    def configure_front_end_fields_of_view(self):

        aperture_area_cms = 25.0

        fov0 = FOV_Rectangle(Hrange=( 5, math.radians(0.0), math.radians(0.5)),                     # Horizontal field of view is 5 points spanning 0.0 to 0.5 degrees in instrument control frame
                             Vrange=( 3, math.radians(0.0), math.radians(20.0 / 3600.0)))           # Vertical field of view is 3 points spanning 0.0 to 20 arc seconds in instrument control frame

        fov1 = FOV_Rectangle( Hrange=(5, math.radians(0.2), math.radians(0.5)),                    # Horizontal field of view is 5 points 0.2 to 0.5 degrees in instrument control frame
                              Vrange=(3, math.radians(0.0), math.radians(20.0 / 3600.0)))           # Vertical field of view is 3 points spanning 0.0 to 20 arc seconds in instrument control frame

        fovidx0 = self.add_field_of_view( fov0 )                                                    # define the different fields of view
        fovidx1 = self.add_field_of_view( fov1 )                                                    # used by this instrument. Define in instrument control frame coordinates

        wavidx0 = self.add_wavelength_range( Wavelength_GaussianPSF( 30, 450.0, 0.3, rtm_processing_scheme='hybrid' ))         # wavelength region 1. 30 wavelengths across 450 nanometers, FWHM = 0.53 nm
        wavidx1 = self.add_wavelength_range( Wavelength_GaussianPSF( 30, 452.0, 0.4, rtm_processing_scheme='preconvolved'))    # The code will spectrally integrate over each wavelength region
        wavidx2 = self.add_wavelength_range( Wavelength_GaussianPSF( 30, 454.0, 0.5, rtm_processing_scheme='hybrid' ))

        self.add_spectral_window( SpectralWindow( self, fovidx0, wavidx0, aperture_area_cms) )                                  # define the spectral windows used in the simulation
        self.add_spectral_window( SpectralWindow( self, fovidx0, wavidx1, aperture_area_cms) )                                  # Each spectral window is a combination of a wavelength range and a field of view
        self.add_spectral_window( SpectralWindow( self, fovidx0, wavidx2, aperture_area_cms) )                                  # The front-end radiance will be integrated over the eavelength range and the field of view
        self.add_spectral_window( SpectralWindow( self, fovidx1, wavidx0, aperture_area_cms) )
        self.add_spectral_window( SpectralWindow( self, fovidx1, wavidx1, aperture_area_cms) )
        self.add_spectral_window( SpectralWindow( self, fovidx1, wavidx2, aperture_area_cms) )

Step 2. Make the platform

We are going to make a simple platform located at 600 km above (50N, 0E). It will look due North at the tangent heights from 0 to 40 km in steps of 2 km:

import numpy as np
from skimpy import Platform

#           class TestPlatform

class TestPlatform( Platform ):

    def __init__(self):

    #           step_to_next_observation

    def make_observation_set(self):

        self.clear_states()                                                         # Clear the current observation set
        t       = np.datetime64('2018-07-31T12:15:35.023456')                       # Set the time of the observations
        heights = np.arange( 0.0, 40000.0, 2000)                                    # set the required tangent height, 0 to 40 km in 2 km steps
        bearing = 0.0                                                               # Set the geographic bearing
        self.set_nadir_mode( False )                                                # Ensure we are not using nadir mode, ie. limb mode
        self.set_platform_location(latlonheightandt=(50, 0, 600000.0, t))           # Set the location of the platform to (50N, 0E)
        self.add_tangent_heights  ( heights, bearing, clear_states = True)          # Set the location of the platform

Step 3. Create the Forward Model and the Atmosphere

Next we must create the atmosphere and forward model:

import sasktran as sk

#           create_model_and_atmosphere

def create_model_and_atmosphere()

    atmosphere          = sk.Atmosphere()
    atmosphere['air']   = sk.Species(sk.Rayleigh(), sk.MSIS90())
    atmosphere['ozone'] = sk.Species(sk.O3DBM(), sk.Labow())
    model               = ForwardModel('HR')
    return mode, atmosphere

Step 4. Execute and Plot

And finally we put it all together so we can run it and make some plots:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def test_model():

    model, atmosphere = screate_model_and_atmosphere()
    instrument        = TestInstrument()
    platform          = TestPlatform()
    model.calculate_radiance( instrument, platform, atmosphere)

    for window in instrument.spectral_windows:
        plt.plot(window.radiance.radiance, '.')

    for window in instrument.spectral_windows:
        plt.plot(window.radiance.toa_albedo, '.')

    for window in instrument.spectral_windows:
        plt.plot(window.radiance.irradiance, '.')

    for window in instrument.spectral_windows:
        plt.plot(window.radiance.photon_flux, '.')
