A climatology that supports a single value at all locations and times. This is useful to set climatologies to 1 or 0 everywhere. The class supports all species:
import sasktranif as skif
mjd = 52393.3792987115;
climate = skif.ISKClimatology(‘CONSTANTVALUE’)
climate.SetPropertyScalar(‘SetConstantValue’, 0.0);
climate.UpdateCache( [0,0,0,mjd])
Supported Species¶
All species are implicitly supported
Cache Snapshot¶
The cahed value is the constant.
Python extension¶
The CONSTANTVALUE climatology is in the sasktran_core extension which is part of the default sasktran installation.
- constantvalue.SetConstantValue(double value)¶
Sets the climatology to the value passed in. This value is returned in response to all calls to