A climatology for the NO2 number density based upon the Prather photo-chemical box model. This climatological model is based upon monthly mean solutions to the box model for a range of latitudes, local solar times and altitudes:
import sasktranif as skif
location = [52.0, -102.0, 0.0, 57005.0]
climate = skif.ISKClimatology('NO2PRATMO')
ok, NO2 = climate.GetParameter( 'SKCLIMATOLOGY_NO2_CM3', location );
Supported Species¶
Cache Snapshot¶
The NO2PRATMO climatology caches the entire NO2 database climatology which provides NO2 as a function of geolocation and day of the year.
Python extension¶
The NO2PRATMO climatology is in the sasktran_core extension which is part of the default sasktran installation.
The NO2 Pratmo climatology requires the user to download the NO2 pratmo database file. Methods to do this are provided and described sasktran_core
The NO2PRATMO cclimatology has no properties